After listening to a segment of Adam’s audiobook, Adam goes on a jag about white guys in home security commercials. After listening to a couple ridiculous clips, the guys discuss the reality of racial equality, both on the screen and in the real world. Moving into the news, Alison opens with a story about Dr. Drew being hospitalized, and also brings up the abortion doctor who’s being charged with murder.
In studio today is comedian Patton Oswalt. Adam talks to him about his new book, Zombie Spaceship Wasteland, and the experience of recording the audio book. The guys also chat about making up the words to songs, and the benefits of having a flexible career.
Adam talks a bit more with Patton about his work on a cancelled sitcom, and trying to balance it while filming a movie. Adam recalls his own frustrations during the casting process, and the ‘funny’ execs who can’t pitch good jokes.
In the last part of the show, Alison returns to the news. The guys offer their thoughts on hangover cures and experiments on rats, and also talk about Octomom doing fetish porn. Wrapping things up, they talk about a ferret biting off somebody’s fingers, and the importance of organ donations.
Pick up Patton’s new book, and visit his site at
Executive Producer: Donny Misraje
Producers: Mike Lynch and Mike Dawson
Writer: Mike Lynch
Audio/Voice Over: Mike Dawson
Associate Producer: Katie Levine
Production Engineer: Logan Moy
Search: Chris Laxamana
Show Summary: Matt Fondiler
Adam opens the show discussing classic 60s music with Bald Bryan and Alison. Alison then jumps into the news, starting with the school shooting in Gardenia which came as the result of a gun going off in a student’s backpack. Adam suggests that the parents be ‘publicly flogged.’ Alison also talks about the potential cloning of a Wooly Mammoth, and gets in a cake and pie fight when she disagrees with Adam about which is better.
Larry Miller steps in, commenting on the recent school shooting. Adam also tells a story from his afternoon, and deciphers his dog’s various barks. Larry tries his luck with the Hypothetical Road Trip game, and talks to Adam about ridiculously designed comedy clubs.
Columnist Joel Stein joins the show, and talks with Adam about meeting in the early Man Show days. They both agree on actors who play dicks or crazy people are like that in real life, and Joel talks about his nuttiest, darkest interviews. He also talks about his adventures learning how to be a man, including fighting with Randy Couture, going through marine basic training, and soon to learn about cars from Adam.
The group then moves back to the news, and the first story sparks a conversation about how Eastern and Western philosophies differ in regards to raising kids. Adam also talks about the importance of quitting, and joyfully recalls telling a Celebrity All-Star coach to fuck off.
Visit for more info, or follow him on Twitter @TheJoelStein
Executive Producer: Donny Misraje
Producers: Mike Lynch and Mike Dawson
Writer: Mike Lynch
Audio/Voice Over: Mike Dawson
Associate Producer: Katie Levine
Production Engineer: Logan Moy
Search: Chris Laxamana
Show Summary: Matt Fondiler
Adam opens with his thoughts on the Patriot’s loss this weekend, and talks about building up a second warehouse for our recording facilities. He also re-pitches his idea for Attack Crows, and reads an article that proves he’s been on the right track all along. They also listen to Robert DeNiro’s Lifetime Achievement Award speech from the Golden Globes, and Adam gives his thoughts on reading from a teleprompter.
Alison follows up with more Golden Globe related news. They talk about Ricky Gervais’s roast humor, Robert Downey Jr.’s talents, and the national obsession with Glee and Jane Lynch. In other celebrity news, Adam also tells a story about trying to get Social Network star Jesse Eisenberg on the show. The last news story involves a cat that received a summons for Jury Duty, and Adam tells his own Jury Duty story.
Adam talks about a brand new Made-Up Movie he created on the Bill Simmons podcast. He also takes a fake title from a caller, and the group tries to come up with a made-up plot of their own.
Lemmy of Motorhead comes in studio, surprising Adam with his age and the length of time the band has been together. Lemmy talks about his life before the band, and Adam discusses the new documentary Lemmy stars in. Alison also talks to Lemmy about his experiences bedding many (many) women on the road, and the guys offer their views on monogamy, and the differences between men and women.
Get all the tour dates at, or follow the band on Twitter @MyMotorhead.
Executive Producer: Donny Misraje
Producers: Mike Lynch and Mike Dawson
Writer: Mike Lynch
Audio/Voice Over: Mike Dawson
Associate Producer: Katie Levine
Production Engineer: Logan Moy
Phones: Chris Laxamana
Show Summary: Matt Fondiler
Adam is back again at Happy Endings, and spends the first half talking with NFL analyst Jay Glazer. The guys chat about getting a nice shave, and also discuss the day’s football games. Jay also talks about his work training athletes, and Adam talks about his training day with Jason Mayhem Miller.
The guys go more in-depth with their MMA discussion, comparing it to boxing and really enjoying this new sport. The guys also bounce back to football talk, and decide the final game should be exciting no matter who ends up playing in it.
Comedian Bobby Slayton swing by next, celebrating his anniversary and just back from Vegas. Adam talks about his earliest stand-up days in Oakland, and discusses why he doesn’t like Vegas. The guys also complain about fat people on the airplane, and the latest trend in overpriced cupcakes. The guys continue their rants against airlines and airport security, and as Adam tries to wrap the show, Bobby starts a fight with Jay Glazer.
Follow Jay Glazer on Twitter @Jay_Glazer
And Follow Bobby Slayton @ PitbullOfComedy
Executive Producer: Donny Misraje
Producer: Mike August
Writer: Mike Lynch
Associate Producer/Audio: Katie Levine
Show Summary: Matt Fondiler
A sound byte from Bald Bryan prompts Adam to talk about producer Bob Evans, and how he likely discovered cocaine. Adam also proposes a Battle of the Blowhards competition, and suggests a scientific test to measure brain activity. Alison then jumps into the news, talking about the MMA fighter who wanted to take on Obama in a match, and how the Church is getting involved with how people name their kids.
Adam goes on a rant about why he doesn’t like Conan O’Brien, even though he considers him to be a talented guy. They also talk about an online dating site, which prompts Adam to ask Alison about her own dating life. When she says she’s looking for a guy with a sense of humor, Adam goes on a rant about how unfunny most ‘funny people’ are.
Eugene Mirman of Bob’s Burgers comes on the show, and talks with Adam about the experience of recording an animated series. Adam also talks with him about being a ‘special ed’ student, and has Eugene speak to him in Russian. Jumping back into the news, the group discusses abortion statistics across the country, and terrible prison food. At the end of the show, Adam jumps on the phones for a round of Hobo Power to hear your most disgusting stink stories.
Executive Producer: Donny Misraje
Producers: Mike Lynch and Mike Dawson
Writer: Mike Lynch
Audio Engineer/Voice Over: Mike Dawson
Audio Show Builder/Associate Producer: Katie Levine
Production Engineer: Logan Moy
Search: Chris Laxamana
Phones: Brian Meyer
Show Summary: Matt Fondiler
Adam opens the show with a rant against ‘Depeche Mode syntho-bullshit.’ The group listens to a variety of songs, and Adam talks about soulless music and near-identical remakes. He also offers a theory that relates the height of your bed to your level of success.
Harry Hamlin comes in studio, and talks with Adam about his recently published memoir. The guys trade stories about growing up in SoCal, and Harry talks about getting kicked out of college for allegedly running a brothel. They also talk about Harry’s dad: a rocket scientist who gave his 11-year-old son a 5-year subscription to Playboy.
Adam then turns to the phones to answer your relationship queries. One caller wants her boyfriend to propose to her, and Adam recalls how relieved he was when he finally got married. Harry wishes he had heard Adam’s words when he was younger, and talks about his own experiences in marriage. Adam and Alison also debate whether or not it’s gay to be in a two-guy one-girl threesome.
Today in the news, more information has come out about Arizona Shooter Jared Lee Loughner. Adam says that as sad as it is, it’s still pretty surprising these shootings only happen every 5-7 years, considering how many guns and crazy people there are in this country. Other news stories include Kelsey Grammar’s alleged cross-dressing, the Westboro Baptist Church, the new Verizon iPhone, and the increase of dining & ditching in New York.
Be sure to pick up a copy of Harry Hamlin’s memoir: ‘Full Frontal Nudity: The Making of an Accidental Actor’
Executive Producer: Donny Misraje
Producers: Mike Lynch and Mike Dawson
Writer: Mike Lynch
Audio Engineer/Voice Over: Mike Dawson
Audio Show Builder/Associate Producer: Katie Levine
Production Engineer: Logan Moy
Phones: Brian Meyer
Show Summary: Matt Fondiler
Adam starts the show up after a delicious meal of Hungarian food. He talks about his audiobook, and suggests a way to hear your favorite shows or music without tuning out the entire world. They also play a part of his audiobook, and Adam goes on a rant about his son’s orthopedic helmet.
Jumping into the news, Adam, Alison and Bald Bryan talk about anti-gay churches, and the increase in gun purchases. Adam rants about people being concerned for being put on a list, and also talks about people who are only focused on their own priorities. Alison also brings up the statement made by the parents of Jared Lee Loughner, and Adam suggests they should be put on trial.
After the break, Larry Miller joins the studio. Adam talks about getting a book from the guy who runs the Hungarian restaurant, and talks to Larry about trying to get rid of all the free stuff that comes in from everyone. The guys then start talking about charismatic cult leaders, and Larry talks about the time he was invited to join a cult. The show wraps with a round of the Hypothetical Road Trip game.
Listen to This Week with Larry Miller, right here on the ACE Broadcasting Network. You can also visit his site:
Executive Producer: Donny Misraje
Producers: Mike Lynch and Mike Dawson
Writer: Mike Lynch
Audio Engineer/Voice Over: Mike Dawson
Audio Show Builder/Associate Producer: Katie Levine
Production Engineer: Logan Moy
Search: Chris Laxamana
Show Summary: Matt Fondiler
Adam officially announces the new News Girl: Alison Rosen. He finds out a bit more about her background, her experience in a rock band, and her relationship with her family. Adam also talks about his own family, and the joys of raising twins.
Heading into the news, Adam angrily discusses Ted Williams, a deadbeat dad who was once homeless but now doing voice-overs. Alison also talks about the trial of Jared Lee Loughner, and an MMA fighter who said he wants his next opponent to be President Obama. Also in the news is a scientific study about women’s tears and arousal levels, which sends Adam on a side jag about gay porn.
Next up, a round of Gaywalking. Pre-Op Board-Op Bill asks gay guys straight questions, and the guys in-studio vote on whether or not they’ll get the answer correct.
Teresa Strasser joins the show as today’s guest. She comments on the Gaywalking game, and talks about her book officially being optioned. She also congratulates Alison on her new gig, and talks about getting bumped from The Today Show by one of the Baldwin brothers. Adam reminds her that all she needs to promote is book is good word of mouth, and Teresa mentions how grateful she is for all the nice reviews.
Pick up a copy of Teresa’s book, ‘Exploiting My Baby.’ Also be sure to get it signed at Laguna Beach Books on Jan 13th at 6pm. For more info, visit
Hear more from Pre-Op Board-Op Bill at
Executive Producer: Donny Misraje
Producers: Mike Lynch and Mike Dawson
Writer: Mike Lynch
Audio Engineer/Voice Over: Mike Dawson
Audio Show Builder/Search: Chris Laxamana
Production Engineer: Logan Moy
Show Summary: Matt Fondiler
Adam welcomes Couin Sal and Dax Shepard back to The Happy Endings Bar on Sunset. Adam talks with Dax about his latest role, and asks Sal how he’s fairing during the NFL playoffs. Adam also rants about his wife screwing up his Mexican food order, and explains how we all need rodeo clowns to help us forget our troubles.
The guys also chat about getting fired from your job vs. quitting. Dax talks about his old boss tricking him into working harder, and also relays an embarrassing verbal slip he had when working as a restaurant host. The story reminds Adam of the time he said something embarrassing to Queen Latifah on late night TV, and he and Dax rant about her film, Taxi.
Adam also talks about his relationship with his housekeeper, Olga. Dax talks about his own cleaning lady, and how he recently discovered she was drinking on the job. The guys also discuss the culture clash revolving around dogs, and wrapping the show up, the guys talk a bit more about Dax’s largely improvised movie.
Watch Dax on Parenthood, Tuesday nights at 10pm on NBC; and check out The Freebie, out on DVD and VOD on this Tues, Jan 11th.
You can also catch Cousin Sal on Jimmy Kimmel Live, and on The B.S. Report, with Bill Simmons.
Executive Producer: Donny Misraje
Producer: Mike August
Writer: Mike Lynch
Associate Producer/Audio: Katie Levine
Show Summary: Matt Fondiler
Adam just got back from taping an episode of Leno, and is ready to take your calls. First, a discussion of who you think should replace Teresa Strasser as our 2011 Newsgirl. Adam explains that Teresa is hard to replace, but all of the candidates will be great once he has time to break them in.
Adam also talks about getting heckled during his show in San Francisco. Much to Adam’s surprise, the same girl he saw driven away by the police that night wrote into the show, and Dawson reads her letter.
He also takes a call about the proper way to raise your kids, and Adam explains how he wished his teachers had funneled his rambunctious energy into the drama department. He talks about what his next car would be, his reactions to the fan art he receives, and wraps things up with a guy who sounds like ‘Black Harold Ramis.’
Executive Producer: Donny Misraje
Producers: Mike Lynch and Mike Dawson
Writer: Mike Lynch
Audio Engineer/Voice Over: Mike Dawson
Audio Show Builder/Associate Producer: Katie Levine
Phones: Brian Meyer
Show Summary: Matt Fondiler
Adam gleefully announces the return of his car with the dealer plates still intact after four years. He also talks with Bald Bryan about the nice straight razor shave they received, and Adam recalls the joys of walking around feeling his face all day.
Alison Rosen is back with the news, and follows up on last night’s story about double anal penetration. Adam also talks about never being invited to the AVN awards, and explains how great he is at receiving oral. Alison brings up the first Twitter-related defamation suit, and Adam rants about Courtney Love and divorce laws.
Next up is a round of ‘Who The Fuck Sells This Shit?’ Adam talks to a guy selling pigeons, and chats with a Japanese guy selling reusable plastic bags about his bisexuality. Adam also recalls the time a drunk driver wrecked his car, and the lawsuit that followed.
After the break, Adam welcomes Michael Swaim and Dan O’Brien of to chat about their new book, ‘You Might Be A Zombie, and Other Bad News.’ Along with the news, the guys also chat about common first names, cheerleading initiations, inappropriate web videos, and Born Again Christians.
Watch ‘Agents of Cracked’ at, and pick up a copy of ‘You Might Be A Zombie, and Other Bad News’
You can also follow Alison on Twitter @AlisonRosen, or visit her site at
Executive Producer: Donny Misraje
Producer: Mike Lynch
Writer: Mike Lynch
Audio Engineer/Associate Producer: Mike Dawson
Audio Show Builder/Associate Producer: Katie Levine
Production Engineer: Logan Moy
Phones: Brian Meyer
Show Summary: Matt Fondiler
Adam welcomes Alison Rosen back for the news, and asks her to help role-play an airline fantasy he’s always had. He also talks about pounding shots at 10am while filming a scene for a new car project he’s working on, and relates a story about the first class lounge at the airport.
Before jumping into the news, Adam and Alison talk about the Rock Tumbler. They also investigate and compare the Amazon ratings of books written by Teresa Strasser, Greg Fitzsimmons, and Snooki. Adam complains about his radio show days, and the guys listen to an impassioned speech from Alec Baldwin.
Greg Fitzsimmons comes in studio, and talks with Adam about how weird it is to see snow covered mountains in Los Angeles. Greg also talks about an upcoming gig he has in Las Vegas, and talks about participating in the AVN awards. The guys also talk about their masturbatory habits, and share complaints about the film True Grit.
Adam and Greg talk about famous people they’ve been with, and crossing paths in the looks department with certain actresses. Adam also gets Donny on the mic to talk about his history with Molly Ringwald. Wrapping up the show, Adam takes a couple listener calls, and gives some relationship advice.
Follow Greg Fitzsimmons on Twitter @gregfitzshow and check out his podcast, Fitzdog Radio, available on iTunes or on his website at
Executive Producer: Donny Misraje
Producers: Mike Lynch and Mike Dawson
Writer: Mike Lynch
Associate Producer/Audio Show Builder: Katie Levine
Production Engineer: Logan Moy
Phones: Brian Meyer
Show Summary: Matt Fondiler
Adam welcomes Alison Rosen back to the show to fill in as Newsgirl for the week. He then jumps into complaints about the dicks on his flight from Miami, and the criminals who go out of their way to steal stuff. Alison tells a story about getting the stink eye, even after doing something for someone else, and Adam talks about trying to stop a burglar.
The first news story is about two massage therapists suing Brett Favre for harassing them. She also talks about different ways to help make your marriage last longer, but mostly Adam just wants to listen to Steely Dan. Adam also complains about Seth MacFarlane giving a tweet for Teresa’s book, yet he never got one.
Today’s guest is actor/comedian TJ Miller. TJ talks about how he landed a role in Yogi Bear, which involves a hilarious audition video he shot with a live grizzly bear. Adam also talks to him about his work in Unstoppable, and the group complains about studios releasing movies for nobody.
Adam also takes a couple of phone calls and listens to your New Year’s Resolutions. From there, the guys talk about the impact of the Internet and how it will affect how open we are. Alison wraps up the show with a couple more news stories, and Adam complains about the Wall Street Journal article that showcased his house.
Executive Producer: Donny Misraje
Producers: Mike Lynch and Mike Dawson
Writer: Mike Lynch
Audio: Mike Dawson
Associate Producer: Katie Levine
Production Engineer: Logan Moy
Show Summary: Matt Fondiler
Adam Carolla returns for his 2011 State of the Union. He also gives some thoughts on Christmas, and takes your calls.