Jon Lovitz introduces the Ace Man himself, for his premiere show at The Jon Lovitz Comedy Club at Universal Citywalk. Mike Lynch is filling in for Bald Bryan, and Adam welcomes Alison Rosen and Dr. Drew to the stage. Dr. Drew talks about his recent recovery from illness after his second honeymoon, and the guys compare their experiences on the show ‘Are You Smarter Than A 5th Grader’.
Adam talks about his own honeymoon with Lynette, and tells a classic Ray story. Dr. Drew also asks Adam about the experience of interviewing Fred Dryer, which Adam did earlier today. Alison then jumps into the news with a story about a guy sent to jail with 30 items shoved up his ass. She also talks about a literal cat burglar, and Adam retells his rant about his wife leaving the space heater on—only to leave the space heater on himself before leaving for tonight’s show.
Jeff Ross joins the stage next, and talks with Adam about his latest idea: Roast in Peace. The plan is to roast dead people, based on suggestions from his Twitter followers. Adam also talks about meeting Seth MacFarlane for lunch, only to see Frank Stallone there, eating his food at the same place. Adam and Jeff also discuss life on the road during the Man Show days, and share a story from the Writer’s Retreat.
Jeff then talks about the upcoming roast of Donald Trump for Comedy Central. He’s going on last, but explains his process of being fully prepared with jokes that come from unusual angles. Adam then wraps up the show with This Week In Rage—or, the Top 5 things that pissed Adam off most this week.
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Executive Producer: Donny Misraje
Producer: Mike Lynch
Producer: Mike Dawson
Voice Over: Mike Dawson
Associate Producer: Katie Levine
Show Summary: Matt Fondiler