Live from the Jon Lovitz Comedy Club, Adam opens the show talking about his eclectic morning of radio shows, podcasts, videos, and helping his wife with the car. Greg Fitzsimmons joins, and Alison starts in the audience taking questions from the crowd. Adam talks about getting high with Joe Rogan, and gives advice on getting laid in the Valley.
Adam and Greg then jump into an improv, playing out realistic stripper names. Adam and Bald Bryan also debate the merits of Monopoly, and Adam reflects on some of his favorite podcast interviews.
Before jumping into the news, Alison announces a new series of Carolla videos on Huffington Post, and gives an update on the Tournament of Rosen. The guys discuss both the release of Obama’s birth certificate, and also Donald Trump’s ‘interview with himself’ about his impact on the day’s events. Alison also reads a story about a dead body misplaced on an airplane, which sends Adam into a huge rant about his Alaska Airlines woes.
In the last part of the show, Alison reveals the inventor of the teleprompter dies, and talks about the 10 Most Stressful Jobs. Adam and Greg discuss working over a hot grill at a fast food fryer, and wonder how stressful it really is to be a real estate agent.
Hear more from today’s guest at
Check out clips from ‘Face 2 Face with Ace’, and ‘One Man’s Opinion’ at
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Executive Producer: Donny Misraje
Producer: Mike August
Producer: Mike Lynch
Audio/Voice Over: Mike Dawson
Newsgirl: Alison Rosen
Sound Effects: Bryan Bishop
Associate Producer: Katie Levine
Technical Director: Chris Laxamana
Show Summary: Matt Fondiler