Adam welcomes Brian Brushwood and Justin Robert Young of ‘NSFW’ to the show. You can check out their podcast every Tuesday at 7pm, or just subscribe in the iTunes store. Brian and Justin are friends with tech-wiz and former Carolla guest Leo Laporte, who helped them take elements from the successful video series Scam School, and convert the material into a podcast. Brian is also the author of ‘Cheats, Cons, Swindles & Tricks: 57 Ways to Scam a Free Drink.’ Adam asks what’s the easiest way to get a free drink. Brian’s response: ‘Have tits.’ Since Brian is also an experienced magician, Adam asks him if people just laugh at David Copperfield, or if he’s really a good magician. Brian says he’s very good, and it reminds Adam of a Japanese magician he saw in Vegas who never said a word during his act. He just performed his tricks, and after each one he’d have a grin on his face which Adam compares to whipping out the biggest cock in the world. ‘Magicians are not a smug breed, so when you see them being smug, it really throws you.’ Brian and Justin start talking about Copperfield’s recent sexual assault case. He owns a private island called Musha Cay Island, and basically the claims were that he lured Lacey Carrol to the island with promises of modeling and acting, but instead sexually assaulted her and wouldn’t let her leave the island for three days. Later the case was dropped after she was brought in on charges of prostitution and false accusations of rape for a separate case. To this, Adam has a message for all hot girls: ‘Whether your plan is to head back to Phil Specter’s place or Copperfield’s island […] if you’re hot, it’s understood that we want to fuck you. We didn’t ask your fat friend if she wanted a first class ticket.’ Continuing the discussion of sexual predators, Adam talks about his favorite parts of watching the television series ‘To Catch a Predator.’ Mostly he loves when they read the internet transcripts back, or when they tell the predator he’s allowed to go only before he gets tackled by local police. Adam says if he was ever in this situation, he would send a pizza guy in 5 minutes earlier, just so he can see the door open and check for camera crews. He says, ‘worst case scenario, you have a pizza waiting for you.’ Talking more about law enforcement and what makes people conform and obey, Brian describes the Milgrim Experiment, where people were told to administer electric shocks to a patient answering questions. Even though they weren’t actually shocking the person, they found that over 90% of people would continue ‘shocking’ the patient, even when the actor playing him was screaming for them to stop. This sets Adam off on a humungous rant against anyone who’s been deputized and acts like a dick under the guise of power. As Adam wraps up the show, he asks guest Justin Robert Young if he’s ever been referred to as Robert Young, aka television character Marcus Welby M.D. Justin has never once in his entire life heard this reference, and Adam jokes ‘Why do I have to point this out to you? This is your name! Don’t you have an uncle who recognizes the name? […] Maybe this is your grandfather!’ Adam reminds everyone to check out the NSFW podcast, and also check out Adam’s upcoming live shows in San Francisco (May 20th), and Seattle (May 21st & 22nd). To reach Brian and Justin together: For Brian: For Justin: