Adam welcomes Jay Louis, author of Hot Chicks with Douchebags and creator of the website It’s a topic Adam says he has long been obsessed with, and the guys immediately jump into the false claims of women wanting a guy with a sense of humor. Looking at various pictures, they define the douchebag look as ‘I am fucking stupid and wildly confident at the same time.’ Adam wants to know: ‘How did you get so confident when you are so fucking stupid?’ Other telltale signs include barb wire tattoos, or Chinese letter tattoos on the neck. Adam and Jay compare the situation to the war on drugs. The douches are the drugs, chicks are the consumer, and the tattoo is the drug mule. No wall is too high to stop people from getting what they want, and it’s not the tattoo shops that need to be closed down, it’s the women blowing the dudes with the tattoos. Adam wants to know, ‘Where are these guys’ friends?’ He relates a story of wanting to emulate someone he saw wearing black cowboy boots. Adam went out and bought them, but before they could even step outside, his buddy Ray put him in his place and told him not to go out looking like that. A caller wants to know how Jay deals with these idiots all the time. Jay says, ‘Smart people have an obligation to mock stupid people […] It’s easy because I see it as a civic duty.’ They go on to describe another type of douchebag that Adam considers even worse: The artsy hipster douchebag. At least the Jersey Shore douches work out and have good biceps. Hipsterbags, with their vintage clothing and their pouting all the time, aren’t even trying. Adam says that their ‘douchenite’ (a la Kryptonite) is their Senior Picture. ‘If we saw what you looked like in high school, there’s no way you’d be trying to pull off this fuckin look now.’ He knew a guy who, after graduation, turned into Gary Oldman from Dracula. When he saw him at an industry gathering, the Gothbag avoided him at all costs. Jay also remarks that it’s a metamorphosis, and that ‘you don’t get laid unless you pick one of these six ‘bag’ identities.’ Jay says we need to have ‘douche-terventions’ where we set the girls down and explain what’s up.’ Adam asks, ‘What about the women who sit back idly and watch their girlfriends date douchebags? Where’s your voice? This is what happened in Germany in the later 30s.’ A caller asks Adam about his Top Gear pilot, which transitions into Jay talking about the frustrations of having his own pilot picked up. He says ‘VH1 knows what they did,’ and goes on to explain how after he chose to go with MTV to produce his show, before the show could get to air, VH1 ripped it off, making his own show look like the rip off. Agreeing with the aggravation, Adam points out ‘part of it is how good is your show; part of it is how good is your timing.’ Adam encourages Jay to keep the good fight going, and from one non-douche to another thanks him for his time. Be sure to purchase Jay’s book, or visit the website: Produced: Donny Misraje Audio Board: Chris Laxamana Search: Logan Moy Build and Edit: Logan Moy Show Summary: Matt Fondiler