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The Adam Carolla Show

Welcome to the Adam Carolla Podcast! The new home for the rantings and ravings of Adam Carolla, and with Bald Bryan on sound effects. Check it out Adam hangs out with some his pals, like: Larry Miller, David Allen Grier, Dr. Drew Pinksy, Dana Gould, Doug Benson, and many, many more.
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Jul 30, 2010

Get ready for TWiTW! The very best of the Adam Carolla Show from this week in one single podcast.

Jul 29, 2010

After a special guest helps with advertising, Teresa jumps right into the news. The first story deals with the alleged details of Chelsea Clinton’s upcoming wedding. Adam jokes about the gift he bought for her, and talks with Teresa about the recent trend of sexing it up at your wedding. Adam says Chelsea’s wedding seems a bit expensive, and in today’s economy, it should be reeled in a bit.


In other news, a recent bear attack in Montana left several dead and wounded. Adam talks about the ‘wildly unsatisfying’ way to defend yourself against a bear, and Teresa talks about her experiences in Yosemite. Adam then reflects on going camping with Donny, having nothing more than a blanket. Other news stories revolve around Tiger Wood’s mistress avoiding rehab, an update on the woman with gigantism, and the latest Kate Gosselin drama.


Intern Logan joined Adam at Comic-Con, and helped out for a segment of Nerdwalking. Random nerds are asked questions about sports and other manly things, and Adam, Teresa, and Bryan compete to see who can predict if the nerd will know the correct answer.


Author Tony O’Neill, hailed as the It Writer of the Decade, joins the studio. He talks to Adam about growing up in Lancashire, England and moving out to Los Angeles after a great party. In the past, Tony has struggled with drug addiction, however he disagrees with Dr. Drew about the image of recovery. As Tony puts it, ‘to a junkie, a beer isn’t a relapse.’ They talk about other authors on the It list, and Adam gets advice on releasing his book and the publishing world.


Tony is also a musician, and Adam recalls a story that a recent guest from the band Yoso told him about a drug-related incident. In honor of the super-band, they start listening to a Toto song, then a version of William Shatner singing Harry Chapin’s ‘Taxi.’ Adam recently played the original on the show, and he plays it again for Teresa and Tony, reminding everyone of it’s ‘positive message for the kids’. Finishing off the news, Teresa talks about the birth of a Zedonk, and also a religious bench advertisement that suggests the end of days is nigh. Tony jokes that if that’s true, then Jesus would really love his latest book.


Be sure to pick up a copy of ‘Sick City,’ and also check out Tony’s live reading/singing/drinking, this Friday in Portland, and Saturday in San Francisco. 


Also a shout out to for helping us with all our music, including the Nerdwalking theme song. 



Executive Producer: Donny Misraje

Producer: Angie Fitzsimmons

Audio: Mike Dawson

Writer: Mike Lynch

Production Engineer: Logan Moy

Search: Chris Laxamana

Build and Edit: Chris Laxamana

Phones: Brian Meyer

Show Summary: Matt Fondiler

Jul 28, 2010

Teresa is back after visiting relatives, and talks a bit about her grandmother's funeral. She reflects on her parents dropping her off to spend time with her grandparents when she was a kid, and Adam recalls his grandparent's extremely small swimming pool. He adds that kids shouldn't think they're an inconvenience to their parents, though unfortunately both he and Teresa were raised to feel that way. Adam also talks a bit about his book being on the best seller list, and says he's worried about his parents reading it because he doesn't say anything nice about them in it.


Jumping into the news, Adam and Teresa discuss the Wikileak scandal, which according to one source, lists '92,000 reasons to end the war.' Adam is confused because he always thought that the war in Afghanistan was supposed to be 'the good war.' They discuss a controversy surrounding training police officers in Afghanistan, and Adam also talks about Terrell Owens shitty attitude and recent switch to Cincinnati. Another news story revolves around Angelina Jolie's private sex life, as she recently mentioned a few celebrities that she was willing to date when she was single. It reminds Adam of his relationship with Natasha Henstridge, and how he found out too late she was willing to go out with him. The last news story deals with Paris Hilton being caught doing the Hitler salute.


Alonzo Bodden (from Last Comic Standing and 101 Cars You Must Drive) comes in the studio with a soft cast around his wrist. He hurt it after falling off his Ducati and says that his hand swelled up 'like a Mickey Mouse glove.' He says that the pain hasn't really been so bad, it's mostly just the inconvenience. The guys start talking about being too tall to ride a motorcycle, and also a couple celebrities that are sponsoring racing teams. The segment ends with them talking about doing comedy gigs to help buy new tires for their bikes.


For 'Who The Fuck Sells This Shit,' Adam takes a call from someone selling clipboards for $1 a piece. So far she hasn't sold any. Another caller is selling blank cassette tapes that he found in his garage, and Adam teases him about selling them for cash only. He and Teresa compare online trading to hitchhiking, wondering who is more dangerous, the person selling, or the person picking up. The last caller is selling 86 new cans of beer for a buck a piece, but Adam convinces him to just drink it.


In fact, the beer seller is trying to raise money to help his band The Inevitable Backlash, as they go into recording their first album. We hear a bit of their single and even watch a part of the music video. Announcer Dawson recognizes the porn star who stars in the video as a Hustler Honey that he saw on a porno tape once. Before signing off, Adam teases Donny for mispronouncing La Jolla, even though his own last name has a soft J.


To see The Inevitable Backlash music video (NSFW), check out: 


And to find out upcoming dates for Alonzo Bodden, visit



Executive Producer: Donny Misraje

Producer: Angie Fitzsimmons

Audio: Mike Dawson

Writer: Mike Lynch

Production Engineer: Logan Moy

Search: Chris Laxamana

Build and Edit: Katie Levine 

Phones: Brian Meyer

Show Summary: Matt Fondiler

Jul 27, 2010

Adam begins with a couple of complaints about the lack of internet at his house, and the cable guy who takes forever to show up. He also discusses his ranking on the iTunes charts, his maid’s forgetful habits, and why he can’t feed his dog cashews.


Teresa is still out until tomorrow, so Bald Bryan is stepping in for the news. Barack Obama will be on The View Adam complains about how shitty the show is. Bald Bryan also talks about a woman suing American Airlines for not refunding her baggage check after losing her luggage, and they briefly discuss Veterans’ access to medical marijuana prescriptions.


Prior to recording, the cable guy came by the studio and bumped into Bald Bryan’s truck (Bald Bryan says, ‘Not the worse thing that happened to me this year.’) Larry Miller sits on the couch to add more breaking news to the story. From there, the guys jump into Hypothetical Road Trips and talk about driving with unfortunate people like Adult Male Harry Potter Fans, and Wannabe Competitive Eaters.


Mary Lynn Rajskub Spreads Her Legs is the new one-woman show, performing weekends in Hollywood. The actress steps in to talk about the differences in performing a show as opposed to standup, and Adam discusses the benefits of improv and being too lazy to memorize lines. Mary Lynn also talks about becoming a mom, raising a family, and living with her personal trainer husband. Adam talks about his exercise habits, and says that everyone he knew in high school is pretty much in the same shape now as they were then.


Adam complains about Seal and Heidi Klum being too much in love, and takes a couple of listener phone calls. The first asks Adam his thoughts on the racism in Tyler Perry films, and this leads Adam into a long rant comparing Perry’s career with Tony Villaragosa. Adam also talks about Kirk Cameron, who made the highest grossing independent movie of 2008 with a deeply religious film. The second caller asks for Adam’s views on the electric car, and Adam thinks it’s a great idea, criticizing American society for their lack of imagination.


In the last section of the news, Bald Bryan brings up the salary scandal of Robert Rizzo in the City of Bell. He resigned after word got out over his inflated paycheck, but as a result, he’s now receiving the highest resignation payout in the state. Adam says, “what a shocker we’re bankrupt.” The last news story deals with the death of 19 people during a stampede at The Love Parade in West Germany. Adam complains about electronic music, and before they sign off, both Adam and Mary Lynn rap over repetitive beats.


Be sure check out ‘Mary Lynn Rajskub Spreads Her Legs,’ performing every Friday and Saturday night at The Steve Allen Theater in Hollywood. You can also follow her on Twitter @rajskub


And don’t forget to hear more from Larry at


Executive Producer: Donny Misraje

Producer: Angie Fitzsimmons

Audio: Mike Dawson

Writer: Mike Lynch

Production Engineer: Logan Moy

Search: Chris Laxamana

Build and Edit: Katie Levine 

Phones: Brian Myer

Show Summary: Matt Fondiler

Jul 26, 2010

Adam opens by discussing a recent walk with his dog and daughter. He has some interesting questions about dog poop etiquette, and talks about the hot Indian chick who didn't seem to follow it. He also talks about driving his daughter up the street without her seat belt on, and how she immediately ratted him out to his wife.


Bald Bryan is covering the News, and since Comic-Con was this past weekend, all the stories revolve around the convention. Adam is reminded of a classic 70s song he talked about during an interview, and says that he doesn't quite get the obsession with comics, even though he has an obsession with cars. 'Everyone needs a hobby,' he says, but at least his is tangible. One news story from Comic-Con revolves around a guy who was stabbed in the face with a pen for trying to hold a seat, and another story deals with casting confirmations for the new Avengers movie. Adam also takes time to complain about asshole parking lot attendants and pawn shops.


As Tom Arnold is brought into the studio, Adam thanks all the listeners for their generous pre-orders of his book even though it isn't released until November. Tom takes a seat and he and Adam joke about how Tom is usually a good bet for the 'death pool' since he's struggled with many personal issues in the past. Tom talks about the time that Roseanne Barr sang the national anthem (exactly 20 years ago), and how he ended up in jail after assaulting a paparazzi in the airport who tried to assault her once they landed.


And speaking of prison, Tom was recently on TMZ speaking about Lindsay Lohan's jail sentence. He speaks from experience and says that prison is a bad place to detox. Tom also talks about referring various celebrity friends to Dr. Drew, and he tells a few stories about failed attempts to helping people get sober. Adam talks more with Tom about his struggles with addictions, and says that like a lot of people, Tom has a metronome built inside his brain. He asks Tom how he slows it down, and Tom confesses that his strength comes from his relationship with his girlfriend. They also spend some time talking about Tom's relationship with Roseanne, and how technology has made it possible for people to anonymously say horrible things about people constantly.


Wrapping up the show, Adam takes a few calls for rounds of What Can't Adam Complain About. Topics vary from saving the animals, to sign language interpreters.


To find out more info Tom's upcoming stand-up dates, check out: or



Executive Producer: Donny Misraje

Producer: Angie Fitzsimmons

Audio: Mike Dawson

Writer: Mike Lynch

Search: Logan Moy

Build and Edit: Logan Moy

Phones: Brian Meyer

Show Summary: Matt Fondiler

Jul 23, 2010

Getting it on at the Comic Con!

Yes that's right, Adam was broadcasting LIVE smack in the middle of the 41st annual Comic-Con in San Diego.  If you missed the live streaming video yesterday, fear not, here's the audio! Adam talks to leaders of the New Media frontier and some professional nerds.

Jim Louderback -- CEO Revision 3
Marc Silvestri -- CEO Top Cow Comics / Image Comics
Scott Riggs -- Sr Director of Radio Slacker
Zack Johnson -- Creator of Kingdom Of Loathing
MC Front-A-Lot  --  Nerd-Core Hip Hop Artist

Jul 22, 2010

Adam begins by saying that as humans, ‘we’re not as good at communicating as the devices we’ve invented for communicating,’ and goes on a jag about the difficulties of trying to sell his other house. Donny’s mom is his realtor, and for some reason no one was able to clearly describe to him a tree that needed to be removed. Teresa says talking on the phone is difficult, and in fact had to have a second interview one time just so should could appear in person. Adam also talks about recording a podcast at Comic-Con, and discusses his love for nerds.


Adam also brings up a strange moment that occurred recently when Adam wanted to call Seth MacFarlane after his mother died. Oddly enough, the phone rang within moments of having the thought, and Seth was on the other line. Adam and Donny discuss the weird timing, and Adam talks about trying to meet up with Seth while they were both in New York. Seth plays much larger venues than Adam does, and he points out that Joel McHale does too. They talk more about rich white people problems, and Adam sarcastically suggests ‘Let’s keep raising taxes!’


In the News, a 12-year-old girl is a hero for using an ipod to prevent a rape. Later, the guy who was arrested for the crime killed himself in the slammer. Adam loves it. Another news story revolves around people who didn’t put on their airplane seatbelts, and were treated for serious injuries after turbulence struck. Adam regularly complains about the seatbelt warnings, but his point is that people will ignore them if they want to, and we should stop wasting resources telling people what they already know. The last news story deals with an EMT dispatcher who got his just deserts after ignoring a dying pregnant woman while on his break.


6th season Last Comic Standing winner Iliza Shlesinger comes in studio, and brought her puppy with her.  They talk for a bit about being on the show, but Iliza admits she never watched the show before or since. She has some comments on the last story of the news section, and soon she and Adam find themselves politically on the same page with all things American. Throughout the discussion, Adam continually tries to hit on her, but Iliza teases him about looking like a dad.


A few rounds of Blah Blah Blog are played (though they did attempt to start it earlier in the conversation), then Teresa jumps into the last part of the news. Snooki is upset that her friends are jealous of her success, and Iliza jokes that the short girls always start the fights. Adam rags on this whole generation of horrible twentysomething girls, and says ‘It never used to be this way […] Now they’re stealing our souls.’ The final news stories deal with a black family giving birth to a white child, and somebody who tried to steal a McDonalds hamburger. Iliza reveals disgusting news about the McRib sandwhich, and Adam talks about the weirdly racist owner of the Hungarian restaurant he frequents.


To find out all the info on Iliza Shlesinger, visit



Executive Producer: Donny Misraje

Producer: Angie Fitzsimmons

Audio: Mike Dawson

Writer: Mike Lynch

Production Engineer: Logan Moy

Search: Chris Laxamana

Build and Edit: Katie Levine 

Phones: Brian Myer

Show Summary: Matt Fondiler

Jul 21, 2010

Adam starts out by saying that his publicists Lynn and Alex were bugging him about doing a bit for MTV online. Adam wrote out the Top 5 things that will replace the internet, based on Prince's recent comments. One of the jokes had a reference to Methadone, but the suits at MTV wanted him to tweak it. Adam goes on a huge rant against the people that limit his creativity, and demands that people investigate the jokes that they don't understand.


Larry Miller steps in to help with the news; in this case, another Mel Gibson audio clip has been leaked. Larry jokes that Shakespeare's plays didn't have this much yelling. Adam also recalls that Dr. Drew said Mel is bipolar, and Teresa dives a little more into the psychology behind Mel's anger. It reminds Adam of how his mom and step-dad met at a primal scream encounter group, and he suggests there could be something cathartic about all the yelling.


The conversation turns to comments about the death penalty, and Adam says he's thrilled that both of Saddam Hussein's kids were killed by our military. Larry jokes that the people who deserve the death penalty are the people in the parking lot who don't wave and say thank you after you let them take a parking spot. It reminds Adam of his own parking lot woes, and he yells about people who sit in their cars without backing out of their spots. And speaking of cars, Larry and Adam play a few rounds of Hypothetical Road Trips.


Dr. Bruce arrives in his scrubs, and Adam says that he is both smarter, and a better doctor than Dr. Drew. Still, he teases Dr. Bruce for having 'good lenses, bad frames.' Teresa asks Dr. Bruce about the types of patients he usually sees, and Dr. Bruce says there are lots of kids with fevers and adults with Vicodin deficiencies. Adam asks for Dr. Bruce's take on his joke about Methadone, but Dr. Bruce doesn't seem to think it's a laughing matter. He says that 'addiction is a complex disorder,' but Adam says Vicodin was over-hyped for him and didn't meet his expectations.


The group takes a call from a listener who says he hasn't used shampoo in years and years, and Adam admits he hasn't either. Adam says the entire hair care industry is a 'multibillion dollar scam for rich whitey,' and proves it by pointing out there are no bald bums. Dr. Bruce points out that there are cultural practices to take into account, but Adam isn't hearing it. Nor does Adam want to hear about Dr. Bruce's second-hand/third-hand smoke study. Adam complains about bus fumes and leaf blowers, and says that people are hypocrites when it comes to showing concerns about what ends up in our lungs.


Dr. Bruce also brings up a story that children can't understand facial expressions of disgust until they turn five. Adam jokes that he doesn't interact with his children anyway, but then recalls a cute story about his daughter swimming in the pool. They talk more about the neuroses of the next generation of children, and Adam sarcastically asks how his generation managed to survive drinking tap water and eating peanut butter. Teresa brings the show to a close by asking Dr. Bruce about the new show he is going to have on the Ace Broadcasting Network. They still have not decided on a title, but the topics will revolve around science and health.


Keep your ears peeled for that upcoming Dr. Bruce program, and also be sure to visit



Executive Producer: Donny Misraje

Producer: Angie Fitzsimmons

Audio: Mike Dawson

Writer: Mike Lynch

Production Engineer: Katie Levine

Search: Chris Laxamana

Build and Edit: Chris Laxamana 

Phones: Brian Myer

Show Summary: Matt Fondiler

Jul 20, 2010

To begin, Adam discusses why he doesn’t like the ACLU, or any other group ‘that started with the best of intentions and went a little nutty.’ He also reviews the John Cusack film 2012, and wonders why it had to be so preachy. Later in the discussion, Teresa mentions Gilligan’s Island, ‘a celebration of the intellect.’ Adam applauds the show for its cunning use of hammock humor. 


The first part of the news revolves around the Top 5 Mel Gibson Mockeries. They listen to the Mel Gibson-Miss Piggy mash-up, and Adam says that anyone with a computer and the Internet can make something, so this will never end. Adam recalls the joys of yelling at a coworker, and says that we should stop focusing on Mel Gibson yelling, and instead focus on whether or not he actually did anything to physically harm anyone. Other news stories deal with Rachel Uchitel’s involvement on Celebrity Rehab, and Whoopi Goldberg embarrassing herself on The View.


Teresa jumps into another bestiality story, this time about a guy who told the vet he had relations with his dog. Now he’s facing charges, and lawyers say he was just making a joke. Teresa says it’s like joking about a bomb at the airport—you just don’t do it. Something else you shouldn’t do is lie when you’re not really sick. In this case, a former Teacher of the Year nominee is facing felony charges after lying about having an inoperable brain tumor. Make A Wish got involved, and Adam reveals what his dream would be.


Everyone plays a round of ‘Will Angie Eat It?’ a game left over from the radio show, where five foods are listed off, and everyone has to guess if producer Angie would actually eat it. All of the foods are absolutely delicious by most people’s standards, but Adam points out that Angie is especially picky and has ‘wild inconsistencies’ in her preferences.


And speaking of food, today’s guests are two representatives of the current LA Food Truck war going on in the southland. Forget the roach coaches you grew up with, now all the food trucks are selling high-end boutique stuff. The parking space availability is supposedly upsetting the local restaurants on Wilshire Blvd., but additionally they’re quite concerned with the competition. A local politician has taken to the cause, trying to ban the trucks from parking in the area. Guests Natasha and Matt see it as a restriction against the people’s right to compete.


Adam goes on a major rant about the politicians who are currently destroying the city of Los Angeles. As he puts it, ‘Vote these fucking idiots out.’ He also gets incredibly angry about stupid laws like one hour parking, and how ‘the one thing [the city] actually pulls off is the one thing that removes money from your wallet.’ Teresa agrees that she doesn’t understand the other side of the story, but we’re not hearing from them anyway. Matt talks more about the fight against the tyranny of freedom and ice cream, and Natasha talks about her made-to-order deluxe ice cream sandwiches.


Sound delicious? Find out more at:


And join the good fight at:


Special thanks to Calbi BBQ truck for feeding us!!


Executive Producer: Donny Misraje
Producer: Angie Fitzsimmons
Audio: Mike Dawson

Writer: Mike Lynch
Production Engineer: Logan Moy

Search: Katie Levine

Build and Edit: Chris Laxamana
Phones: Brian Myer
Show Summary: Matt Fondiler

Jul 19, 2010

Adam opens the show by discussing a recent poop-filled walk with his dog Molly. Teresa jumps into the news and talks about Mel Gibson's team trying to get him into rehab. Adam points out that Mel had already played the 'finding Jesus card' way before he needed it, so perhaps rehab will help. Teresa also teases the casting rumors for the upcoming season of Celebrity Rehab, and mentions that Tiger Wood's mistress is being courted to appear on a new season of Celebrity Apprentice.


Teresa talks about the 'nerd rage' she's seen on message boards regarding free products. She wonders where these people were before the invention of the internet, and asks who has the time to be posting reviews of an iPhone app. Adam talks about how much easier it is to talk trash online, as opposed to in person. The final news stories deal with the BP oil spill, Sherri Shepherd, and a woman in Africa who got pregnant from oral sex. They also discuss a news story dealing with a cop who got fired for opening a bottle with his penis.


Members of the supergroup Yoso enter the studio; former members of the bands Yes and Toto. Adam reflects how the two bands had very different sounds, and wants to know how they all came together. In fact, various members of the band have known each other for close to 30 years, and they discuss the formation of the supergroup in a bit more depth. At one point, everyone jokes about mistaking certain song lyrics, and everyone agrees that despite classic musical training, once rock'n'roll came about, it was clear this was the musical direction they wanted to take.


When Teresa goes into the second part of the news, she talks about the upcoming cast of Dr. Drew's Celebrity Rehab. New patients include Jeremy London, Janice Dickinson, and Jason 'Gummi Bear' Davis. Adam says you can't call it Celebrity Rehab anymore, if you have to say 'he's the guy from...' He says he's going to call Drew to discuss the new cast since he thinks it's going to be a disaster. One more new patient is going to be Leif Garrett, and Adam says that he was the only person Adam had to interview twice.  'Heroin is not a good interview drug.'


Wesley Snipes is headed to jail for not paying taxes for three years. Adam says thank god he's played characters who've been to jail so he knows his way around. Both he and Teresa agree that sending him to jail is a lose-lose situation. We have to pay for him, and if he's locked up, he can't pay his debt. Also in the news, Erin Andrews is suing the hotel for providing her stalker with information about where she was staying. Even though she was victimized, Adam says the footage looked good. Teresa also agrees that at first she felt bad for her, but after going on Oprah and Dancing With the Stars, it's more like she's 'capitalizing on her misfortune.'


Be sure to check out the new Yoso album, Elements (out July 27th). You can also find more information, including tour dates, at



Executive Producer: Donny Misraje

Producer: Angie Fitzsimmons

Audio: Mike Dawson

Writer: Mike Lynch

Production Engineer: Logan Moy

Search: Katie Levine

Build and Edit: Katie Levine 

Phones: Brian Myer

Show Summary: Matt Fondiler

Jul 16, 2010

A special all Mel Gibson version of This Week in This Week with the best moments of the crew breaking down Mel's most memorable lines.

Jul 15, 2010

Adam has a few words with Donny and Sandy about his coffee tasting like Spaghetti-O’s this morning. Adam always complains about dirty dishes in the workplace, but realizes now this is his workplace. Teresa is excited about the upcoming Megan’s Law game, and also to play the latest Mel Gibson audio. Adam says it’s unfair to record a conversation when the other person doesn’t know, and wonders why there aren’t social boundaries anymore. He and Teresa talk about the impact of technology and the internet, but Adam suggests that Mel doesn’t necessarily have to make an apology to the public.


Anderson comes into the studio, Adam’s former Engineer at Loveline, and now co-host of The Film Vault. Adam takes a series of listener calls for Made Up Movie. You call in with fake titles, and everyone rolls with it to create a story. This week the plots vary from a Twitter romantic comedy to an epic sports movie project for Taylor Lautner.


At last the Megan’s Law Awards are presented. Prior to recording, everyone handed over their addresses, which were researched online since sex offenders must register their information. Dawson counts down the Top 10 staff members who have the most sex offenders living within one mile of them.


After the winner is named, Teresa jumps into the last part of the news, which opens with a story about a sex offender. A middle school teacher accused of having child pornography on his computer has turned himself in. Everyone makes fun of the former teacher’s online alias, and also wonder why he’d be so dumb as to turn in the computer to the very school he worked at.


Teresa then talks about her obsession with The Guinness Book of World Records. Adam says the only reason it was even remotely exciting as kids was because there was nothing else to do. Still, Adam chimes in with several of his favorite record holders along with Teresa, though he says he doubts children of future generations will understand the book’s appeal.


Teresa says she read a story about a woman with gigantism that reminded her of the book. Tanya Angus was just a normal girl in her early twenties, but all of a sudden she noticed bizarre growth spurts throughout her body. 10 years later the changes are massive. Previous attempts to help her were unsuccessful, and at this point it is difficult to travel outside of her hometown. Teresa reports that another surgery will take place later this month.


Not wanting to end the show on a down note, they talk about Penelope Cruz and Javier Bardem being officially married. Bald Bryan asks if this new couple, based on talent and income, is now the biggest celebrity power couple. Teresa proposes it could be a great topic for a future Film Vault episode.


To hear any and all episodes, download The Film Vault here on the home site. Or subscribe on iTunes. 



Executive Producer: Donny Misraje

Producer: Angie Fitzsimmons

Writer: Mike Lynch

Audio: Mike Dawson

Production Engineer: Logan Moy

Search: Katie Levine

Build and Edit: Katie Levine 

Phones: Brian Myer

Show Summary: Matt Fondiler

Jul 14, 2010

At the top of the show, Adam is trying to explain the dry walling process to Teresa. Huell Howser audio clips are dropped in to comment on the thrilling conversation. More audio has been leaked from Mel Gibson's recent rants, and Adam wonders what the world's reaction would be if we found out Mel had a tumor that was affecting his behavior. They talk about people who get blackout drunk, and listen to audio of Whoopi Goldberg defending Mel and saying that he's not really a racist. Adam says we're getting an itchy trigger finger calling people racist, and he wants to make a distinction between people who are talking smack and people who are actually acting on their thoughts.


Stephen Prothero comes on the line to talk about his new book, 'God Is Not One.' When Adam asks him his thoughts on religion, Stephen says that he does not adhere to one particular belief system, and is indeed intrigued by the world's many traditions. Adam finds a way to compare religious beliefs to watching old episodes of Saturday Night Live. They talk a bit more about the root of today's current religious arguments, and Adam says that it doesn't work when everyone has their own beliefs. Before Stephen signs off, he takes a few moments to defend the positive attributes of religion that people often overlook.


Adam's old friend Rob Barnett comes in studio, and Adam says that Rob is the one who helped him land his radio job replacing Howard Stern. They talk about how Howard would have reacted had he still been involved with terrestrial radio during this economy, and Rob talks about his dislike of satellite radio. He essentially says that programmers 'stopped putting a focus on talent,' and instead they should 'hire talent and let them do what they want to do'.


So Rob broke away from the radio industry and started Adam compares the project to his own podcast, only the website is more of a video presentation than audio. They go on to talk about how the talk show system appeals to the lowest common denominator, and radio is very much the same way. Adam recalls being backstage at a Chicago morning show and the hosts were unable to just 'roll with it'. Rob points out that it's hard work to maintain a show, and he talks about his roots working with a partner to figure out how to get fans and attract advertisers.


Teresa brings up the news that New York Yankees owner George Steinbrenner passed away. Adam says, 'I'll miss the mock-turtlenecks and blazers.' They also talk about John Stamos filing an extortion case against an underage girl who threatened to release pictures of him doing cocaine. They crack wise about Full House and also talk about the Alanis Morisette-Dave Coulier relationship.


Inmates at Lindsay Lohan's jail all say they want a piece of her. Everyone in the room predicts that they won't actually let Lohan into the general population. We find out a bit more about gay inmate politics, and Adam talks about creative prisoners making strap-ons. The final news story involves a guy settling a domestic dispute by rubbing a sandwich into his wife's face, and this reminds Adam of the times when Donny would rub pie into the faces of the women that dumped him. Donny jumps on the mic to defend that it wasn't 'every girl,' and Adam admits to picking the pie off the sidewalk so he could eat it.


To hear more from Rob, check out And don't forget to pick up Stephen Prothero's new book God is Not One. Or follow him on Twitter @Sprothero



Executive Producer: Donny Misraje

Producer: Angie Fitzsimmons

Writer: Mike Lynch

Audio: Mike Dawson

Production Engineer: Logan Moy

Search: Katie Levine 

Build and Edit: Katie Levine 

Phones: Chris Laxamana

Show Summary: Matt Fondiler

Jul 13, 2010

Bald Bryan is back, and there’s a busy show up ahead. The opening news stories revolve around cases of domestic abuse. First, a brief discussion about the tragic homicides in New Mexico. Then, Teresa plays several clips from Mel Gibson’s latest leaked audio. Adam ‘[thinks] this is good for Mel. He’s now officially insane. All the things he’s said before are now seen through the prism of a madman.’ Teresa asks if there’s anything more maddening than arguing with someone who doesn’t participate in the argument. Later they surmise that Mel may be on human growth hormones.


Larry Miller comes into the studio, and Adam asks his opinions on the Mel Gibson issue. Larry suggests that Mel is one of the most popular celebrities in the world, he should have juts gotten on a boat with eight girls and ridden off into the sunset. The group listens to more of the audio, and Teresa points out further drama involving Oksana’s dentist who didn’t report the alleged domestic abuse. To round out Larry’s visit, he and Adam play a round of Hypotethetical Road Trips.


Then director Jay Duplass sits down. He talks about his new film Cyrus, and how he and his brother originally wrote the script together. Adam wants to know more about producing the film, and Jay goes on to talk about having one of his previous films going to Sundance. Both John C. Reily and Jonah Hill (stars of the film) were massive fans of he and his brother’s previous work, and so the film just came together. Jay talks about his early stages breaking into Hollywood, and since their film is mostly improvised, he and Adam discuss ‘the purity of the first take.’


Teresa compliments the art direction of the film, and also the costumes. Jay talks about shooting the film on a new high-end digital camera, and suggests that actors can tell their productions are filmed in a different ways than most movies. Jay says, ‘it’s just about continuing doing what we like to do,’ and talks about his early influence from The Coen Brothers.


In the last part of the news, Teresa talks about a couple celebrities dealing with prison time. Roman Polanski has recently been released from house arrest, and is free to travel anywhere in the world, so long as he’s not in a country with an expedition agreement with the US. Adam says we need to enforce our laws, and doesn’t understand why we can’t just jump into France or Switzerland and go grab him. Jay points out the Manson murders, and Teresa notes how your allegiance starts to shift. Another news story deals with Lindsay Lohan concerned about her upcoming jail time, and also some GLAAD complaints against The View. The final stories involves Harvey Pekar’s recent death, and Jay admits he’s obsessed with Paul Giamatti, the actor who portrayed him in the film American Splendor. Adam says maybe he’ll appear in Jay’s next film, and wishes him well in the future.


Check out the new film ‘Cyrus’, in theaters now.


And don’t forget to visit Or see Larry perform live at The Irvine Improv July 22-24th


The Adam Carolla Podcast will be live at The Roosevelt Hotel, Saturday July 31st



Executive Producer: Donny Misraje
Producer: Angie Fitzsimmons
Writer: Mike Lynch
Audio: Mike Dawson
Production Engineer: Logan Moy

Search: Chris Laxamana

Build and Edit: Katie Levine
Phones: Brian Myer
Show Summary: Matt Fondiler

Jul 12, 2010

Adam opens the show talking about how he just got back from San Jose. He wanted to take a later flight so he could finish writing his book, and ended up barely making his flight because he was stuck behind someone who refused to turn at the left turn light. Adam questions the kind of people who aren't rushing to get to the airport. Adam also complains more about airport security, and thinks it's ridiculous that all of the different airports have different rules.


After speaking a bit more about doing the live show in San Jose, Teresa jumps into the news and plays the audio clip of Mel Gibson's racial rant. After hearing it, Adam says 'you have to admire the man's passion,' but Teresa says the recording is 'beyond sexist.'  They compare it to the Alec Baldwin voicemail, but they say it's actually worse. They also point out that Mel's career may now be in trouble, and he should have gotten in front of the news the way that Letterman was able to do.


Further news stories involve Spain winning the world cup, and also winning records for most yellow cards in a world cup game -- in fact it doubled the old record. Adam recalls the time he saw the Spain crowd was being racist and making monkey noises at the black players on the British team. He jokes that the win couldn't have gone to a nicer team. The last news story deals with a woman whose death had to do with sexual excitement. Adam says, 'she died doing what she loved,' and wonders why we have to disclose all of this raunchy information.


And speaking of raunchy information, Mike Lynch (still filling in for Bald Bryan) digs up a couple more Rich Banks songs that were deemed too hot for radio. At this point, Adam's guests arrive to talk briefly about their famous Obama Girl video. Adam asks them how they make money from viral videos, and they said that mostly it just comes from ad sales. Since the election was a couple years ago, they've now been focusing on music parodies. 


Adam takes a few calls for a segment called Tales from the Cheap, where essentially you call in with stories of your parents being cheap. One man's grandma warmed up tampons that had been rained on just so her daughter could use them. Another was forced to drink Tang out of a mustard bottle, and a final caller had to pay for cheese on his burgers cause his dad wouldn't spare the dime. Adam asks about what kind of bullshit our parents were trying to pull, and wonders if all the extra calories burned was worth it.


Jumping back into the news, Jennifer Anniston just got a new puppy. Also there have were a couple celebrity weddings over the weekend, (Carrie Underwood and Martin Lawrence), and Teresa talks about two Pennsylvania burglars with unusual goals in mind. Finally, Dinah Lohan is in the news again defending her daughter's jail sentence. She says that she's angry with the system, and Adam concludes 'she's the monster who created the monster.'


To hear more from our guests, check out their videos at either of the following sites:



Executive Producer: Donny Misraje

Producer: Angie Fitzsimmons

Writer: Mike Lynch

Audio: Mike Dawson

Production Engineer: Logan Moy

Search: Katie Levine

Build and Edit: Logan Moy

Phones: Katie Levine

Show Summary: Matt Fondiler

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