Welcome to the Adam Carolla Podcast! The new home for the rantings and ravings of Adam Carolla, and with Bald Bryan on sound effects.
Check it out Adam hangs out with some his pals, like: Larry Miller, David Allen Grier, Dr. Drew Pinksy, Dana Gould, Doug Benson, and many, many more.
In addition to the latest 20 episodes for FREE you can now dig into the Adam Carolla Archives. Listen to any show going back to the first podcast on February 23, 2009. Pricing guidelines below. Any Mylibsyn subscription plan allows access to the ENTIRE back catalog. Get it on with some classic Carolla. $3.99 for a recurring 30 day subscription $19.99 for a recurring 6 month subscription $34.99 for a recurring 12 month subscription
Adam records LIVE from the Brea Improv! Take a listen as he talks about May Flys, mozarella sticks, the evil of ranch dressing, and his long lost love David Alan Grier Skypes in from New York!
Sorry Steve but your story about Parsons is wrong.First transatlantic tpneehole cable was laid 1955-56.en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transatlantic_telephone_cableTelephone calls from California to Germany in the 1920's? Impossible at any price.(en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Long-distance_callinghas an audio clip from a 1950's Dragnet episode which shows the difficulty of within US long distance calling at the even then)