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The Adam Carolla Show

Welcome to the Adam Carolla Podcast! The new home for the rantings and ravings of Adam Carolla, and with Bald Bryan on sound effects. Check it out Adam hangs out with some his pals, like: Larry Miller, David Allen Grier, Dr. Drew Pinksy, Dana Gould, Doug Benson, and many, many more.
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Oct 29, 2010

In today’s podcast, Adam sits down with 30 Rock star Judah Friedlander.  Adam compliments it for being the best show on television, and asks Judah about his early days in comedy. Adam also shares a story about his friend Phillip the Juggler, who got his gigs working on cruise ships.


Adam and Judah exchange some stories from life on the road: the unprofessional drivers, binge drinking, sleep deprivation… The guys also chat about the joys of working on the set of 30 Rock. Judah describes the very specific type of acting they do on the show, and praises co-stars Alec Baldwin and Tracy Morgan for their abilities.


Judah goes into more details about writing his book, and how he worked on it for over a year. Adam asks him about ‘being the man’ and Judah brags about his World Champion status. Wrapping up the tour, Adam peeks into Judah’s love life, and talks to him about the rest of his book tour.


Find copies of Judah’s book How To Beat Up Anybody, in stores now. More info at


You can also follow Judah on Twitter @JudahWorldChamp


Today’s Stitcher Extra Content: Adam and Judah sit down for more talk about How To Beat Up Anybody. Hear the interview at:



Executive Producer: Donny Misraje

Producers: Mike Lynch and Mike Dawson

Writer: Mike Lynch

Audio Engineer: Chris Laxamana

Associate Producer: Katie Levine

Audio Show Builder: Katie Levine

Show Summary: Matt Fondiler

Oct 28, 2010

Adam excitedly talks about the release of his upcoming book, 'In Fifty Years We'll All Be Chicks.' Things are looking great as the book continues to climb into the Top 100 of the Amazon charts. Adam also talks about getting a deal for a second book, and promises to sign each and every book jacket you send in.


Kinsey Schofield jumps into the news. She talks about Charlie Sheen's recent drunken extravaganza, and Adam jokes about the publicists who end up putting a laughable spin to cover the incident. Kinsey also talks about Ozzy Osbourne's new job for Rolling Stone, and the two of them spend a long time talking about California's upcoming Prop 19 to legalize marijuana.


Actor Stephen Tobolowsky comes in studio, and talks about being recognized on the street. He and Adam share their love of Albert Brooks movies, then play a round of Rich Man, Poor Man. Adam also has an extended conversation with an airline stewardess who complains about people who use the plane toilets and never flush. Adam rants about airline announcements and talks about the proper way to use airplane restrooms.


In the rest of the news, Kinsey talks about the prostitutes in Spain that are being required to wear an orange vest.  They also talk about Celine Dion's still-unnamed twins, and Adam goes on a jag about attractive people being able to do what they want. Before wrapping up the show, Bald Bryan talks about a recent experience in a sensory deprivation tank, and Stephen talks about a near-death experience in a plaster-cast body suit.


Check out Stephen's podcast at

And visit Kinsey at



Also be sure to listen to today's Stitcher Extra Content, where Adam and Kinsey talk about the difficulties of working for Disney.


Executive Producer: Donny Misraje

Producers: Mike Dawson and Mike Lynch

Audio: Chris Laxamana

Writer: Mike Lynch

Production Engineer: Logan Moy

Search: Katie Levine

Phones: Brian Meyer

Build and Edit: Katie Levine 

Show Summary: Matt Fondiler

Oct 27, 2010

Adam rants about people who drive too slow in the Diamond lanes, then jumps into the first of the listener calls. Adam does a round of What Can’t Adam Complain About, and also talks about his recent racing experience at the Coronado Speed Festival in San Diego.


Adam takes a call from a guy who served pie at his wedding, and also goes on a huge rant about his second studio in Burbank, and the dicks who didn’t pay their rent. Adam also talks about an employee who racked up a huge bill, and he relates it to his wife trying the same stunt while out to lunch with his family.


The last set of callers ask Adam about other projects he’s working on. Adam talks about a new animated series he’s developing, and also reflects on his recent interview with Mike Rowe. After some book talk with writer Mike Lynch, Adam gives boxing advice to a nine-year-old. 



In today’s Stitcher Extra Content, Adam takes more of your calls.



Executive Producer: Donny Misraje

Producers: Mike Lynch & Mike Dawson

Audio: Mike Dawson

Phones: Brian Meyer

Build and Edit: Katie Levine

Show Summary: Matt Fondiler

Oct 26, 2010

Adam welcomes Gina Grad to the studio. They reminisce about their days at KSLX, and Gina talks about how she got her start working on Tim Conway Jr.'s show. Adam also goes into details about the recent Jim Breuer controversy; explaining the roots of the issue and their ultimate face-to-face in Atlanta.


Gina opens with a news story about the bedbug problem in the Big Apple. Adam takes the time to complain about hippies, and Mel Gibson complains about his involvement with The Hangover 2. Adam wants to know when everyone got so uptight about everything, which leads to the final news story about chicks who have less sex when they talk to their fathers.


Larry Miller comes in studio, talking about his drinking memories from Atlanta, and the time a club owner offered him cocaine. He also plays a round of Hypothetical Road Trips, and tries to correct his record.


Michael McDonald joins the show, talking to Adam about their days in The Groundlings and Adam's involvement in a MadTV sketch. They also talk about Michael's experience working as a writer/director/producer for ABCs Cougar Town, and another show that deals with moms and their beauty pageant kids.


Back to the news, Bert and Ernie are not gay. Talking more about children's programming, Adam complains about the Hannah Barbara cartoons. The final news story involves a sleeping competition in Spain, which leads to both Gina and Michael talking about their experiences with sleep apnea. Michael also tells an experience he had while working on a study to help prevent these issues.


Hear more from Gina at


Larry Miller can be heard right hear on the ACE Broadcasting network, or visit his site at:


In today's Stitcher Extra Content, hear an extra news story with Adam and Gina Grad:


Executive Producer: Donny Misraje

Producers: Mike Dawson and Mike Lynch

Audio: Chris Laxamana

Writer: Mike Lynch

Production Engineer: Cooper Sweeney

Search: Logan Moy

Build and Edit: Logan Moy

Show Summary: Matt Fondiler

Oct 25, 2010

Adam talks with Cousin Sal about the upcoming Halloween holiday, and what his kids are gonna wear. They question the relevance of baseball, and Adam complains about his Rams losing, and yet another Rich White Guy Problem. They also talk about Adam having to sign 5,000 book plates for the release of his new book, and his strategy for getting it all done in time.


After some talk about Brett Favre's controversial cell-phone pic, the guys talk about how the innocent man should act in court. Adam starts talking about massage room etiquette, and creates a new code for the happy ending. He also gives good advice to the man planning to cheat.


Petros Papadakis of 'Petros and Money' takes a seat. He talks with Adam about his driving problems, and living life in Koreatown. They also discuss gay bars, undercover gigs, and the weird music that used to get Petros pumped. There's also talk of an insane punk concert that Adam once went to, and Petros talks about stealing stuff from a kid.


Adam tells a story of the first time he got totally shitfaced. He also institutes a new rule for liquor stores, and talks with Petros about a classic Burt Reynolds performance. Before signing off, the guys discuss the classic medical technique of slapping someone in the face to snap them back to reality.


Check out Cousin Sal on Jimmy Kimmel Live, weeknights at 12:05am. 


Listen to Petros daily on AM570, Mon-Fri, 3-7pm. Follow him on Twitter @PetrosAndMoney, or visit


In today’s Stitcher Extra Content, Adam hangs with Petros and talks with him about his greatest football moment.

Executive Producer: Donny Misraje

Producers: Mike Lynch & Mike Dawson

Audio: Katie Levine

Show Summary: Matt Fondiler

Oct 22, 2010

Doug and Iliza talk Last Comic Standing and how they met for the first time. Doug also raises awareness for Prop 19, and talks with Iliza about touring colleges and getting weird propositions from fans.


Jumping into the news, Iliza lists off Zach Galifianakis demands for his stand-up routine, but she and Doug agree the list is pretty tame. They also discuss the struggles of Octo-mom, as well as the doctor who is now trying to keep his license. Also in the news was an offensive fraternity chat, which leads Doug to stand up for badass women.


Speaking of badass women, Kate Micucci and Kate Lindhome of Garfunkel and Oates come in studio. The group talks about the Tyra Banks Show, and America's Next Top Model. The girls also discuss how they write their lyrics, and play a couple songs.


Christian and Mark from Schmoes Know film reviews step in studio. They tease Iliza for not deserving her film degree, and talk about the worst summer ever for movies. Wrapping up the show, the guys nerd out over a bunch of current releases and argue over whether or not 3D movies can actually be good.



Make sure to check out Doug’s new show “The Benson Interruption” coming to Comedy Central on November 5th! If you live the LA area and want to attend a free taping go to or follow @DougBenson on Twitter for more information.


Please support our guests and check out their websites!


Also check out today's Stitcher Extra Content, where Doug nerds out and talks movies with the Schmoes.



Executive Producer: Donny Misraje

Producers: Mike Dawson and Mike Lynch

Audio: Chris Laxamana

Writer: Mike Lynch

Production Engineer: Logan Moy

Search: Katie Levine

Build and Edit: Katie Levine

Show Summary: Matt Fondiler

Oct 21, 2010

First up is an interview with Founder and CEO of MyDamnChannel, Rob Barnett. Adam mentions that Rob is the person who originally got him his radio show, and they talk about always being the #1 show in Vegas when it was on the air. They also talk about their relationship to Howard Stern, and being part of the Blogworld Key Note Address.


Adam talks with Rob about starting your own business as opposed to collecting unemployment. They discuss the early days of, and how new businesses build slowly. Adam mentions that he and Rob will be doing cross promotions for both their networks, and chats with Rob about how the advertising floodgates are just now beginning to open up.


Adam then sits down with Scott Monty, head of social media for Ford. Adam talks about the amazing advances in technology, compared to his own childhood. Scott also mentions how the digital era is resulting in new interests in the automotive industry. He talks about making cars that are adapting to the technology, and upcoming advancements like My Ford Touch voice commands.


Adam suggests that for a while, cars kind of flat-lined in technology, but now things are moving much faster. Adam is just waiting for the time when podcasts can make it practically into cars. Scott describes some of the mobile app links that are already available, and says that items typically seen in Luxury vehicles will soon be seen in some of the compact Ford models. Lastly they discuss the casting call sent out for “Focus Rally America,” an online interactive reality show.


Adam’s final interview for the day is with comedian Mark Malkoff. Mark recently set the Guinness World Record for most flights in a single month. They talk about the fear of flying, and Adam takes time to complain about shitty airplane food. Mark also discusses forcing himself to stay in a bathroom for 5 days with no internet, and the time he spent living in an IKEA.


Be sure to visit, and more specifically see Mark’s videos at



In today’s Stitcher Extra Content, Adam and Jessica Golden review the news! Get it on at:



Executive Producer: Donny Misraje

Producers: Mike Dawson & Mike Lynch

Writer: Mike Lynch

Audio: Marc Chambers

Build and Edit: Katie Levine

Show Summary: Matt Fondiler

Oct 20, 2010

Adam sits down to talk with Dirty Jobs host Mike Rowe. They talk about his voiceover work for Ford, and also chat about producing and making a television show. They then consider whether or not everyone should get a college education, and discuss the benefits of alternative education.


Adam wants to pick up where they left off when they had their last interview on the radio show. Adam asks Mike to dig way back to the beginnings of his personal journey. They discuss Mike’s dad working as a public school teacher while his grandpa was a drop out who mastered several labor related trades instead. He also talks about riding a horse to school and the teacher who helped him overcome his stutter.


Moving along in the journey, they talk about Mike’s experience in junior college, and his struggles to make it into one of the acting unions. He ended up spending years working in the Opera instead; and eventually moved on to QVC and doing on-air TV work for American Airlines.


Mike continues discussing how he finally got his big break, and talks a bit about the drudges of working in a sewer all day. He compares the level of sanity one has if you’re working in a dirty place as opposed to be miserable in paradise. Adam relates by discussing his work cleaning carpets back in the day.


Mike also talks about speaking to congress to kick off the ‘I Make America’ campaign. The idea is that as our society progresses, we become more interested in how things are bought as opposed to how they are sold. Mike warns of the dangers of a country of people who do nothing, and also talks about his work speaking to the Future Farmers of America (FFA).


Wrapping up the podcast, Adam and Mike discuss the notion of redefining the term ‘better’ so that this next generation can feel they’ve accomplished more than the one before it. 


Check out Dirty Jobs, airing now on the Discovery channel.


Also visit, or follow him on Twitter @ MIKEROWEWORKS



Today’s Stitcher Extra Content features more talk with Adam and Mike, flying with the Blue Angels. Enjoy it at:


Executive Producer: Donny Misraje

Producers: Mike Dawson & Mike Lynch

Writer: Mike Lynch

Audio, Build and Edit: Katie Levine

Show Summary: Matt Fondiler

Oct 19, 2010


Adam sits down with Jessica Golden and jokes that he mistook Bald Bryan's parents for tonight's guests. Adam warns everyone to 'buckle in, the complain train is leaving the station.' But before he does, he also reminds everyone that his book is out November 2nd, and if you pre-order and send a self-addressed stamped envelope, Adam will sign the book jacket.


Adam goes into his rant about his recent trip in Vegas for Blogworld. Donny is called in to add additional perspective, and Adam tells him he has to work on prioritizing what's important. He talks about the under-attended event, and the scene that ultimately unfolds at the airport dealing with United employees.


Later, Larry Miller comes in and jumps right into a game of Hypothetical Road Trips. As usual, there are no wrong answers, and Larry has some difficult choices ahead of him. 


Playwrights Billy Van Zandt and Jane Milmore come in studio to talk about their new show: You've Got Hate Mail. Currently running in New York, the play is told completely through emails. They also talk about working on an I Love Lucy pilot special, and discuss the process of their collaboration.


Jumping into the news, Jessica Golden brings up a variety of stories. First up is former NFL player Junior Seau driving off a cliff. They also talk about NSFW confusion, Gavin Rossdale's gay fling, and have an extended conversation about sexual experimentation. Wrapping up the show, Adam questions the parents whose children change genders, and hears one more news story about a very promiscuous woman.


Get tickets for Billy and Jane's new show at


Find out more about Jessica Golden at


And visit Larry Miller at


Also, in today's Stitcher Extra Content, Adam and Jessica review one more news story about a dead dog who comes back to life. Check it out at:


Executive Producer: Donny Misraje

Producers: Mike Dawson and Mike Lynch

Audio: Mike Dawson

Writer: Mike Lynch

Production Engineer: Logan Moy

Search: Katie Levine

Build and Edit: Katie Levine 

Show Summary: Matt Fondiler


Oct 18, 2010

Adam teases a vitriolic rant scheduled for tomorrow’s show based on his past weekend in the Las Vegas Airport. For now, he’s here at The Happy Endings Bar, along with ESPN’s sports guy Bill Simmons, and Cousin Sal, ready to talk about the day’s games. Also joining them is guest musician Josh Gardner, soon to be an artist released through ACE Broadcasting. Josh plays a couple acoustic songs, and talks to the guys about Brett Favre’s level of sanity.


Cousin Sal goes over the various rankings for the season, and Adam talks about Tom Brady ’s past relationship to Bridget Moynahan, and also his current relationship with Bundchen. He then goes on a rant about celebrities who do nothing and still make millions.


Adam then jumps into a couple of stories; one involving a racing event with Jimmy Kimmel, and another about traveling with actor Fred Willard and his agent. As Simmons and Cousin Sal leave, Adam brings David Alan Grier to the couch. DAG jokes about the large crowd gathered at the recording, and talks to Adam about his friend’s wife dating after their divorce. The guys also talk about their daughter’s role models, and watching inappropriate movies with the family.


Josh Gardner is brought back to the couch to perform a couple more songs. They talk about their upcoming performance at the House of Blues in Boston, and Adam also mentions the release of his book and upcoming shows at the Atlanta Punchline. Rounding out the show, the guys talk a bit more about their Twitter followings, and Adam promises to sign any book jacket for fans who purchase the book.


Check out Bill Simmons at, and look for Cousin Sal weekly on Jimmy Kimmel Live.


David Alan Grier can be followed on Twitter @DavidAlanGrier. Or find out more info at


In today’s Stitcher Extra Content, Adam reviews his football picks for the weekend and compares the results.



Executive Producer: Donny Misraje

Producers: Mike Lynch & Mike Dawson

Audio: Katie Levine

Show Summary: Matt Fondiler

Oct 15, 2010

Adam is joined by Mike Birbiglia today, who talks to Adam about writing his new book, ‘Sleepwalk with Me, and Other Painfully True Stories.’ Adam goes on a rant about his dog Molly costing him money with all the different procedures, yet still runs away when he gives her a treat. The guys also talk about people who obsess over their cats the way their do children, and Adam talks about his relationship with Sonny.


The conversation turns to adopted kids, and eventually to Hispanic and gay cultures. Mike talks about being lost in an LA neighborhood where nobody spoke English, and he was surprised to find the gas station attendant couldn’t even direct him. Adam complains about shitty gas station food, and the people who can’t determine how to spend their money on a decent meal.


Mike knocks the Carolla message boards for picking on him last time he was on the show, and also talks a bit about his sleeping disorder. In addition to mild sleep apnea, he has a dopamine deficiency that causes him to physically act out his dreams while he sleeps. Adam talks about how dangerous this medical condition is, and talks to Mike about how he parents supported him.


Adam asks Mike to give us a good sleepwalking story, and Mike talks about a nightmare he acted out while traveling. They also take a couple listener calls for Mike who ask him about his recent film work, and a work situation Mike got involved in. He and Adam discuss the hierarchy of the blue collar world, and Adam complains about the dicks who take delight in people that know nothing. Bringing the show full circle, Adam talks about a $50,000 mattress, and suggests Mike’s sleeping disorder could get him a discount.



Grab a copy of Mike’s new book, ‘Sleepwalk with Me, and Other Painfully True Stories,’ and find out live show dates at


Also pre-order Adam’s book, ‘In Fifty Years We’ll All Be Chicks,” and listen to today’s Stitcher extra content, where Adam talks football picks with Nick Swardson.



Executive Producer: Donny Misraje

Producers: Mike Dawson & Mike Lynch

Audio: Mike Dawson

Writer: Mike Lynch

Build and Edit: Katie Levine

Phones: Brian Meyer

Show Summary: Matt Fondiler

Oct 14, 2010


Adam welcomes newsgirl Suzy McCoppin back to the show, and immediately talks about female guests who sit with their feet on the couch. Adam also discusses a blowout he had with Donny a while back about cleaning the carpets in the studio. Adam also announces the new Twitter contest (info here at, and talks about his book's release on November 2nd.


Adam also goes on a long rant about people who bring their dogs into inappropriate places, and complains about Bald Bryan letting his dog sit on his couch pillow. Suzy jumps into the news, listing off members of GQs list of Most Power Bald Men. They also discuss the hardcore hip hop band that shut down the 101 freeway, and Suzy tells her own story about shutting down traffic while filming a nude scene for a movie. The last news story deals with a guy trying to be a cop who got caught reading a book on how to beat a lie detector test.


Nick Swardson comes in studio to talk about his new Comedy Central series, 'Nick Swardson's Pretend Time.' Adam relates to visiting the Comedy Central building, and asks Nick about his relationship with Adam Sandler. They also talk an upcoming film that Nick was working on, and they both review the recently released film 'The Social Network.'


Adam then takes a series of listener calls for What Can't Adam Complain About. Of course Adam complains about a variety of items, including a long rant against Subway sandwiches. The group gets to talking about LA vs NY food, and Suzy mentions a story of meeting Nick at a restaurant in LA. They also discuss in detail several nude pictures that Suzy posed in for Playboy.


Heading back into the news, Suzy mentions the story of rapper T.I. who helped talk a guy out of jumping off a building. They also list off the number of Subway restaurants in various cities to prove Adam's point that more Subway equals more dumbasses. Another news story involves a town in India overrun by Macaque Monkeys, and the final story involves the rescue of the Chilean Miners.


Watch 'Nick Swardson's Pretend Time' every Tuesday night at 10pm on Comedy Central.


And find out more about Suzy at:




Adam returns with Suzy in today's Stitcher Extra Content for more details on the rescue of the Chilean Miners. Check it out:


Executive Producer: Donny Misraje

Producers: Mike Dawson and Mike Lynch

Audio: Chris Laxamana

Writer: Mike Lynch

Production Engineer: Logan Moy

Search: Katie Levine

Build and Edit: Katie Levine 

Phones: Brian Meyer

Show Summary: Matt Fondiler


Oct 13, 2010

Adam opens the show by getting to know today's news girl, Jessica Golden. Adam also takes this chance to fill in listeners on the state of the show, and updates everyone on the release of his upcoming book. Adam thanks the fans for pre-ordering so many copies.


Jessica starts the news off with a story about a new Las Vegas hotel that's magnifying the sun and burning tourists. They also discuss George Michael's recent release from prison, which sends Adam on a huge rant about how terrible all of his music was. Other news stories involve the recent Obama rally, and Brett Favre's sexting scandal. Adam also rants about the lack of freedom that celebrities have with everyone videotaping everything.


Larry Miller comes in studio and jokes about the George Michael story. He and Adam talk about being long-winded, and end up creating an amazing new cellphone app. They also talk about horrible teachers, and the importance of Pop Warner football. Adam tells a story from backstage while taping Doug Benson's new show, 'The Benson Interruption' then talks about his greatest achievement ever as a football player. Before Larry heads out, they play a round of Hypothetical Questions.


Steven Weber sits down to talk about his new play, 'Enron'. He and Adam discuss the current mood in Los Angeles surrounding theater, and how difficult it is to get people to see shows. They also talk about Steven's career, starting big with TV series 'Wings' and moving forward from there.


Jumping into the rest of the news, Jessica starts with a couple who got married while running a marathon. This leads everyone into a conversation about some recent celebrity couples. While Ashton Kutcher and Demi Moore are renewing their vows, Courtney Cox and David Arquette have announced they are splitting up. Adam and Jessica talk about their experience interacting with David Arquette, and Steven brings up the intrusion fame can have on a relationship. Wrapping the show up, they talk about the world's largest pumpkin, and Adam talks about a contest known as PunkinChunkin.


Watch Steven Weber in 'Enron'. Running in Los Angeles October 20-24th. Purchase your tickets at:


Find more info on today's news girl at:


Also visit and subscribe to This Week With Larry Miller.


Keep your eyes peeled for Adam's performance on 'The Benson Interruption', premiering on Comedy Central Oct. 28th. If you live in LA and want to go to a FREE taping of Doug’s show, visit or follow @DougBenson on Twitter for more info. 


In today's Stitcher Extra Content, Steven and Jessica stick around for a news story involving Nancy Grace. Hear it at:




Executive Producer: Donny Misraje

Producers: Mike Dawson and Mike Lynch

Audio: Mike Dawson

Writer: Mike Lynch

Production Engineers: Logan Moy and Cooper Sweeney

Search: Chris Laxamana

Build and Edit: Katie Levine 

Show Summary: Matt Fondiler

Oct 12, 2010

Adam sits down one-on-one with Rich Eisen, head of the NFL Network. Adam and Rich immediately jump into a discussion of sports star Deion Sanders, who Adam describes as a man with a motor. He also talks about his recent live shows, and talks about the Rams recent performance.


Adam talks with Rich about the satisfaction he gets from watching the NFL network. He takes the time to discuss changes he wants made to the game, including time out rules and raising the field goal line. Rich talks a bit more about how you can access the NFL network, and talks about the origins of the network and his history with Comissioner Roger Goodell.


Adam asks Rich about his schedule, and he breaks it down day by day so we get a sense of how busy he is. Rich also talks about his new podcast, The Rich Eisen Podcast, which runs a gamut of guests and is something he’s very excited about. Adam commiserates over Rich’s early morning call time, and also talks with him about the athletes who’ve performed on Dancing with the Stars.


Adam apologizes for being late to their interview today, and goes on a long rant about the café that screwed up their lunch order. From there, Adam ends up discussing his issues with people who poop in the workplace. Rich has a personal story relating to this very topic, and Adam also gets in good jabs at people who take took long pulling out of parking spots. Just before signing off, Adam proposes a brilliant new TV series idea.


Check out The Rich Eisen Podcast, available at You can also follow him on Twitter @RichEisen. 


Also listen to today’s Stitcher extra content, where Adam sits down to chat with Norm MacDonald.



Executive Producer: Donny Misraje

Producers: Mike Dawson & Mike Lynch

Audio: Katie Levine

Writer: Mike Lynch

Build and Edit: Katie Levine

Show Summary: Matt Fondiler

Oct 11, 2010

Adam sits down with Sports Guy Bill Simmons and Cousin Sal to discuss this week's games, Adam's visit to Texas and his amazing touchdown dance. Will Sasso then joins Adam to discuss his new TV show and movie and his muscular calves. 

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