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The Adam Carolla Show

Welcome to the Adam Carolla Podcast! The new home for the rantings and ravings of Adam Carolla, and with Bald Bryan on sound effects. Check it out Adam hangs out with some his pals, like: Larry Miller, David Allen Grier, Dr. Drew Pinksy, Dana Gould, Doug Benson, and many, many more.
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Nov 30, 2010

Adam welcomes Shira Lazar back to the show, and explains to the listeners how we’re in the final stages of selecting a new permanent news girl. He talks to Shira about her Thanksgiving weekend, and also her cup size. Adam also talks about his wife downloading his audio book, and listens to a sample where he rants about the 80s radio station program director.


Top news story: the scent of pumpkin pie arouses men more than any other pie. They also discuss the recent passing of comedian Leslie Nielsen, and Adam and Bald Bryan recall their favorite scenes from Naked Gun. Also in Hollywood news, Shira names the two young actors selected to host the Oscars next year. There’s also a bit of football talk, and Adam compares the different types of dropped balls in sports.


Also in the news, you can now get a $191 Jaywalking ticket in Los Angeles. Adam talks about his assistant Jay’s recent ticket, and Shira tells of her own ticket woes. Adam also talks about his success driving a car with the dealer plates on, and goes on a rant about shitty cops and city officials raping their citizens.


Though Bill Burr is AWOL, Adam takes a couple of listener phone calls. The first caller talks about his own chicken-shit ticket, and asks Adam to recall a story about a San Diego hookup that wasn’t meant to be. Other listener calls involve the Wikileaks, and Adam’s thoughts on the new Top Gear. Shira wraps up with a story about Kim Kardashian, and she and Adam sing a parody song for World AIDS Day.



Executive Producer: Donny Misraje

Producers: Mike Lynch and Mike Dawson

Audio Engineer: Mike Dawson

Writer: Mike Lynch

Associate Producer: Katie Levine

Production Engineer: Logan Moy

Audio Show Builder/Phones: Katie Levine

Search: Chris Laxamana

Show Summary: Matt Fondiler

Nov 29, 2010

Live from the Happy Endings bar on Sunset, Adam sits down with Cousin Sal and Bill Simmons. Adam talks about the Christmas parade outside shutting down the city, and Cousin Sal talks a bit of football. Adam also goes on a rant about a receptionist who wouldn’t let him onto the Soup, and wonders why we haven’t had a black Bachelor yet.


Today’s guest is Andrew Breitbart. They talk for a bit about his web empire, more specifically about the Big Hollywood website. Andrew says that he hates Hollywood Lefties, and created the site for people to voice an alternate point of view. Adam agrees with the left’s tendency towards moral superiority, and also vents about the writer’s guild and other Hollywood unions.


Adam talks about time he spent with his kids over the weekend. This leads to a larger conversation about female roles in parenting, and how technology is making all of our kids lazy. Adam also joyfully recalls an experience where he and Lynette lied to the kids about Santa’s reindeer, and thinks about Katy Perry’s sex factor.


In the final part of the show, things turn back to politics. Andrew talks about the left trying to isolate people like Sarah Palin, and also tells his thoughts on the next presidential election in 2012. Bill also asks Alex about his own political career, stirring things up, and the responses that he’s gotten from that.


Get access to Andrew’s entire news-hub at


Watch Cousin Sal nightly at 12:05am on ABC’s Jimmy Kimmel Live, and listen to more from him this Tuesday on The B.S. Report with Bill Simmons. 


Also be sure to pre-order Bill Simmon’s book, The Big Book of Basketball, out in Paperback Dec 7th.


Executive Producer: Donny Misraje

Producers: Mike Lynch and Mike Dawson

Writer: Mike Lynch

Associate Producer: Katie Levine

Show Summary: Matt Fondiler

Nov 26, 2010

As the show opens, Dr. Drew says he feels right at home since Adam and Donny are arguing again. He tries his best to stop the argument, but Donny comes on the mic to defend himself against Adam’s claims. Dr. Drew reflects on his own arguments he had with Adam back in the day, and their experience trying to get out of Westwood One to record Loveline at the KROQ studios.


Today, Dr. Drew is a bit fired up over some political issues. He explains how nowadays, citizens basically expect the government to abuse them. Adam chimes in about the regulations in the private sector, and how competition is a crucial part of getting people motivated to do their jobs quickly and correctly. Adam and Dr. Drew expand on the economics behind everything, and Dr. Drew explains how it’s impacting the medical field.


Adam takes a listener phone call who asks the guys what they’re most afraid of when it comes to raising their kids. Dr. Drew says he’s been much more freaked out about drugs and alcohol than sex and relationships. He explains his motivations and procedures as a good parent, and suggests what he would do if his kids were caught while involved in illegal activities.


In the last segment of the show, Adam talks about his book sales, and how he isn’t sure how to talk to his Mom about it. Afterwards, they talk about the new season of Celebrity rehab, and take one final listener call who thanks Dr. Drew for inspiring his career path. Adam and Dr. Drew reflect a bit more on some of their douchier Loveline guests, and Donny comes back in to patch things up from their earlier argument.


Watch Dr. Drew on Celebrity Rehab. Season 4 premieres Wednesday, Dec 1st.

Also, add him on Twitter @DrDrew


Executive Producer: Donny Misraje

Producers: Mike Lynch and Mike Dawson

Writer: Mike Lynch

Associate Producer/Phones: Katie Levine

Show Summary: Matt Fondiler

Nov 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving! Jim ‘Pops’ Carolla is here, Adam talks to him about family Thanksgiving dinners from back in the day. Adam complains about the lack of food in his house, and talks with his dad about the reasons why.  Jim also talks about his love for sports—much to Adam’s surprise.


Adam teases his dad about several sound drops they’ve played of both him, and Adam’s mother. Adam also explains how his mom never answered any questions he asked, and has a few questions of his own to ask Dad. Jim talks about Adam’s grandfather, and his experience growing up during The Great Depression.


After a quick break, Jim plays the trumpet and pulls out a sheet of paper with the entire family history lined. Adam realizes he doesn’t know much about his dad’s side of the family, and hears the origins of the Carolla family name. Adam also takes a couple listener calls, and gives everyone a classic recipe for Thanksgiving cranberry sauce.


Listen to Life Lessons with Jim Carolla, right here on the ACE Broadcasting network (new eps released every Wednesday). You can also Tweet your questions to Jim at @LLJimCarolla


Executive Producer: Donny Misraje

Producers: Mike Lynch and Mike Dawson

Writer: Mike Lynch

Associate Producer/Phones: Katie Levine

Production Engineer: Logan Moy

Search: Chris Laxamana

Show Summary: Matt Fondiler

Nov 24, 2010

Adam sits down 1-on-1 with ‘nice guy’ Sugar Ray frontman Mark McGrath. Mark’s incredibly modest about his band experience, and tells Adam about how his mom raised him to be polite. Adam agrees they’re both lucky to have grown up in the US, and they talk about their love of music growing up.


Adam also reflects on a recent hangout he had with Mark where Mark mentioned a burning question Adam has longed to know the answer for. They talk about raising twins, working hard all day, and still having to pickup the Chinese food at the end of the day. Mark also talks about seeing Adam perform in Irvine, and applauds his ability to improvise so well.


After more talk about performing with Sugar Ray, Mark asks Adam about the Jim Breuer controversy. Adam explains what happens, and also talks to Mark about how growing up on different coasts meant you were exposed to different music. They end up breaking down a bunch of songs from a classic film from Adam’s childhood: Phantom of the Paradise. Bringing thing to a close, Adam talks about running with the wrong crowd in high school, and tells the story of how he got beat up with a baseball bat.


Watch Mark on VH1s ‘Don’t Forget the Lyrics,’ Monday through Friday at 7pmPST. 

Also keep an eye out for him on Celebrity Apprentice in January.

Visit, or add Mark on Twitter @Mark_McGrath


Executive Producer: Donny Misraje

Producers: Mike Lynch and Mike Dawson

Writer: Mike Lynch

Associate Producer: Katie Levine

Production Engineer: Logan Moy

Show Summary: Matt Fondiler

Nov 23, 2010

Adam welcomes Kristen McGuiness to the show, who talks to Adam about her dad’s past in the marijuana business, and working the Drug Highway in Arizona. She then jumps into the news with a shocking story: America is one of the 10 Fattest Countries on Earth. They also talk about a new Hawaiin liquor called Four Loko, and Adam compares the legacies of Tiger Woods and Michael Vick.


Larry Miller adds more commentary about the ‘blackout in a can’ and the reason our nation is so fat. Adam also tells stories about his grandpa drinking buttermilk, and surmises that the reason the country is fat is because we count calories. Larry then attempts to correct his record in a round of The Hypothetical Road Trip Game.


Curt Menefee of NFL on Fox joins the studio. They talk about Dallas’ recent comeback, and eventually transition into a discussion about the black guy from Swingers. Curt also talks about his journey to the top—from his early days working local TV stations, to his career today with a 5:15am call time. He and Adam also chat more about the football season, and Curt agrees that even play-by-play, it’s a very close season.


During the remainder of news, Adam goes on a long rant about our culture being jam packed with ridiculous rules. They talk a bit about a solider in Iraq who watched his child being born via webcam, and it leads Adam into a conversation about surgery procedures during birth. Before wrapping up, they play a clip from Deacon Jones, and laugh at how politically correct we are these days.


Watch Curt Menefee all season long: NFL on Fox, Sundays. (Preshow begins one-hour before gametime)


Hear more from today’s newsgirl at


And be sure to visit, or listen to Larry’s podcast right here on the ACE Broadcasting Network. 


Executive Producer: Donny Misraje

Producers: Mike Lynch and Mike Dawson

Writer: Mike Lynch

Associate Producer: Katie Levine

Production Engineer: Logan Moy

Search: Chris Laxamana

Show Summary: Matt Fondiler

Nov 22, 2010

Adam sits down with Christy Canyon, along with ESPN Sports Guy Bill Simmons. Adam and Christy went to the same high school, and in fact Adam went to the Sadie Hawkin’s dance with Christy’s sister.  Adam talks with her about growing up in the valley, and also recalls the day he and Donny first found out she was in a porno.


Christy talks about her early days first getting involved in the industry; not glamorous in the mainstream eye, but for her it was about having fun and connecting with the other stars in their clique. She also talks very candidly about the realities of drugs on set, and also her sexual relationships with people both on and off camera.


Adam also gets her insights into the current condition of the adult film industry, and the recent AIDS scare.  Christy also speaks about adopting her kids, and whether or not she ever views herself as getting married again. Adam wraps things up talking to her more about hanging out around the Comedy Store in the 80s, and also updates all the fans on his book plate signings.


Listen to more of Christy on Sirius’s ‘Playboy Radio Night Calls,’ airing weeknights from 4-7pmPST. Or you can visit her website,



Executive Producer: Donny Misraje

Producers: Mike Lynch and Mike Dawson

Writer: Mike Lynch

Associate Producer: Katie Levine

Show Summary: Matt Fondiler

Nov 19, 2010

Adam welcomes Gary Dell’Abate to the studio. Immediately they jump into the early days working for Howard Stern. Adam says he started listening to the show when he first came out to LA.  Gary talks about working with Jackie the Joke Man and tries to assess Howard’s situation now that his Sirius contract is coming to a close.


Adam also asks Gary to speak a bit more about his personal history. Growing up in Long Island, meeting Howard, and just the thrill of hearing Howard’s style of radio for the first time. Adam helps to elaborate why so many other hosts suck, and why longform interviews are so interesting.


Adam talks about how he and Jimmy were always fans of Stern, and they couldn’t wait until they got an opportunity to meet him. Adam also talks about once being offered the “Jackie Chair,” and finds out how Gary was officially offered the role of producer. Wrapping up the show, Gary tells a funny story from when Adam was on, and takes a couple listener calls about Robin Quivers, and raising unspoiled kids.


Pick up a copy of Gary’s NY Times Bestselling book, ‘They Call Me Baba Booey.’ Also listen to The Howard Stern Show, and The Wrap Up Show, on Sirius Satellite Radio.



Executive Producer: Donny Misraje

Producers: Mike Lynch and Mike Dawson

Writer: Mike Lynch

Audio Engineer: Mike Dawson

Associate Producer: Katie Levine 

Audio Show Builder: Katie Levine

Show Summary: Matt Fondiler

Nov 18, 2010

Adam welcomes newsgirl Alison Rosen to the show. She talks to him about meeting 12 years ago at the MTV Movie Awards, though Adam doesn’t remember her. He complains about how difficult it was to get tickets to the show even though he worked for the network. He also talks about having to wake up at 6am this morning, though really he was woken up an hour early, which sucked even more.


Jumping into the news, Alison has brought with her two different Bristol Palin stories. The first involves a Wisconsin man who shot his own TV because he was so angry at her performance on Dancing with the Stars. They also listen to a public service announcement recorded by Palin and The Situation. Between stories, Adam rants about people who don’t rinse out their coffee cups, and also goes over a couple bathroom rules.


Next up is a round of Know Your Lackeys. Bryan and Alison bet whether or not Adam will know information about the people he’s spent months, if not years, working with. 


Then comedian Bobby Lee comes to the show. He talks about his early days on MadTV, and his intense struggle with addiction to Vicodin. The group then gets to talking about racial tensions and racial stereotypes. Adam recalls being in LA during the riots, and Bobby talks about Korean culture’s obsession with trophies and other material things. The guys also chat about the other Asian stars that Bobby is confused with, and Bobby does an amazing impression of his dad.


See Bobby Lee perform at the Irvine Improv THIS WEEKEND.


And find out more from today’s newsgirl at



Executive Producer: Donny Misraje

Producers: Mike Lynch and Mike Dawson

Writer: Mike Lynch

Audio Engineer: Mike Dawson

Associate Producer: Katie Levine

Production Engineer: Logan Moy

Audio Show Builder: Katie Levine

Show Summary: Matt Fondiler

Nov 17, 2010


Adam opens by thanking all the fans for buying his book. He still can't believe he's published a book, and jokes about failing various high school classes, including Driver's Ed. Adam also talks about his days working behind the grill at McDonalds and how far he's come since then.


Today's guests are Michael Ian Black and Josh Malina of the new Crackle webseries, 'Backwash.' The guys joke about their 'celebrity counterparts' and notice how they always look uglier. Adam also gets a sense of Michael's beginnings in the industry, and Josh's Broadway debut early in his career.


Back with the news, Jessica Golden talks about a guy who got into an argument over a lawnmower and ended up eating his own beard. They also play a very quick round of Germany or Florida, and Adam recalls the words he had added to the Urban Dictionary. The group also discusses the situation in Haiti, and a little girl who was found with her mom's crack cocaine in her shoe.


Even though Michael has to head out, Josh stays for more news. They talk about a virtual bitchfight and other cyber identity stuff. They also go through and attempt to correct Adam's Wikipedia page, though Bald Bryan says it's 90% accurate. Adam also tells a story from his field trip with Sonny earlier today, and watching his son interact with other kids. 


The final news stories involve a new energy drink that contains alcohol, and Jay-Z's new title as the 'CNN of the Ghetto'. It reminds Adam of his Loveline days, when he and Drew met a relatively unknown Destiny's Child, and had them come on the show the next week to perform. They also tease Jessica for having a hot mom, and Adam sings the Taboo II theme.



Check out the new webseries 'Backwash' at


Follow Michael on Twitter @MichaelIanBlack, and Josh @JoshMalina


Executive Producer: Donny Misraje

Producers: Mike Lynch and Mike Dawson

Writer: Mike Lynch

Audio Engineer: Mike Dawson

Associate Producer: Katie Levine

Production Engineer: Logan Moy

Audio Show Builder: Katie Levine

Show Summary: Matt Fondiler


Nov 16, 2010

Adam talks about using Jeremiah Weed to make his new Mangria. He recalls his recent LA booksigning over the weekend, and commends people for coming out to see him and buying the book. Adam also goes on a long rant against hot chicks who change their hair for no reason.


Gina Grad's back with the news today. She talks about Kanye West's recent Today Show appearance, and also Jessica Simpson's latest engagement. Adam also goes on a jag about the absolutely horrible song 'Elvira,' and hears the list of highest paid women in show business. Wrapping up the news, Gina mentions Bill Clinton's upcoming cameo in The Hangover 2, and Adam goes on a rant about gay people secretly trying to piss us off.


Larry Miller comes in studio, questioning Bill Clinton's need for security and commiserating over the horrible 'Elvira' song. They also play a round of Hypothetical Road Trips, where there are no wrong answers and things quickly spiral out of control.


Then Dana Gould appears, getting ready for the upcoming holiday season and prepping for a big comedy tour for next year. Dana also talks about some of his least favorite songs, and helps Adam out for a round of Huell's Jewels where they make fun of a bunch of Huell Howser footage. Before signing off, Adam goes on a huge rant against Hanna-Barbera and Sid and Marty Krofft, and also hears a bit of Mel Gibson news.



Follow Dana on Twitter @DanaJGould, or check out his website at


Visit, or check out his podcast right here on the ACE Broadcasting Network


And of course find out more from our newsgirl at


Executive Producer: Donny Misraje

Producers: Mike Lynch and Mike Dawson

Writer: Mike Lynch

Audio Engineer: Mike Dawson

Associate Producer: Katie Levine

Production Engineer: Logan Moy

Audio Show Builder: Katie Levine

Show Summary: Matt Fondiler

Nov 15, 2010

Live from The Happy Endings Bar on Sunset, Adam sits down with Cousin Sal and talks about the Cowboy's strong performance today. They also talk about gambling for a bit, and the incredible Manny Pacquiao fight last night. Adam also talks about discussing bullying with his daughter and recalls the time he was assaulted by some guy with a bat.


The guys jump into their Superbowl predictions, and Adam talks about going on the road too much and spoiling his kids with free stuff. Cousin Sal agrees, and talks with Adam about Katy Perry's oversexualization of this new generation of kids. Adam recalls an old mime TV show, and has more pigskin talk before Cousin Sal has to leave.


Two-time WBA Lightweight Champion Ray 'Boom Boom' Mancini comes upstairs and talks with Adam about his exciting new documentary, 'Youngstown: Still Standing.' Ray explains a bit more about his hometown's legendary past, and Adam asks him for his thoughts on Saturday night's Pacquiao-Margarito match. Adam and Ray analyze who would win in an epic Pacquiao-Mayweather fight, and how such an event could actually save boxing.


Purchase the DVD of 'Youngstown: Still Standing' at


Enjoy today's Stitcher Extra Content: More with Ray "Boom Boom" Mancini. Check it out at:


Executive Producer: Donny Misraje

Producers: Mike Lynch and Mike Dawson

Associate Producer: Katie Levine

Show Summary: Matt Fondiler

Nov 12, 2010

In today's episode, Adam introduces clips from some of the other podcasts currently running on the ACE Broadcasting Network.

Hear samples from:
This Week With Larry Miller
Daves of Thunder
The Parent Experiment
The Film Vault
and of course, the CarCast

All the shows can be subscribed to on iTunes, or accessed right here on 

Also take the time to add @ACEBroadcasting on your Twitter if you haven't already.

Nov 11, 2010

Adam welcomes today's newsgirl Esther Lauren to the studio. He talks with her about performing stand-up with Joe Rogan, and all the crazy fans she's met along the way. Adam tells his own stories about Joe, and also thanks all you listeners for shooting his book into the top ten of the NY Times bestseller list!


Esther's first news story revolves around which TV shows Republicans and Democrats watch. They talk about shows like Amazing Race, Modern Family, and Dexter. The last show reminds Adam of the disturbing billboards here in Los Angeles, and he goes on a huge rant about the backward thinking of LA residents. He also gives a wrap-up about his kids' Halloween costumes, and talks with Esther about a cruise ship full of magicians that broke down.


For today's round of Nerdwalking, the group once again gambles over whether or not nerds will know the answers to some very 'difficult' questions. Subjects revolve around boxers, hockey teams and car terms. Adam also gets in a couple jabs at the Delorean, and teases Seth MacFarlane.


Johnny Pemberton, host of the new MTV show 'Megadrive,' is safe and in studio after a season of filming insane car stunts. He talks to Adam about his most harrowing experiences, and the genesis of the show. The guys also talk about throwing up in airplanes, and Adam tells a great story about Jimmy Kimmel's problems with motion sickness.


In the rest of the news, Esther talks about Vivid's next big porn vid. They also talk about  a potential fifth Indiana Jones movie, and Adam rants about the shitty fourth one. There's also talk about the 20 Flirtiest Countries on Earth, and Adam encourages the ladies in the US to get a little sluttier. Wrapping up the show, they talk about Obama's Tranny Nanny, and compare the careers of Bruce Willis and John Travolta.


Watch Megadrive, TONIGHT on MTV at 10:30pm. 

And find out more about our guest by visiting


Follow Esther on Twitter @Little_Esther, or check out her site at:


In today's Stitcher Extra Content, Adam and Esther talk about the reasons and pleasures derived from sex.  Check it out at:


Executive Producer: Donny Misraje

Producers: Mike Dawson and Mike Lynch

Audio Engineer: Mike Dawson

Writer: Mike Lynch

Associate Producer: Chris Laxamana

Production Engineer: Logan Moy

Audio Show Builder: Katie Levine

Phones: Brian Meyer

Show Summary: Matt Fondiler

Nov 10, 2010

Adam talks about recording his audio book, and how it's nothing like the written text. He also talks with Mike Lynch about having a bad experience on a plane, and also rants about a couple of his own plane stories.


Huey Lewis calls in to talk about the band's new album, Soulsville, and the experience of recording his first album in nine years. Adam also defends his position of putting a Huey Lewis song on his list of least favorites, and talks to Huey about his relationship with Jimmy Kimmel.


Adam's show booker Mike August happens to be in studio, so Adam talks with him about the recent plane experiences, and also another story about a reporter who claimed to have read Adam's book, and then argued with him about the content. Jessica jumps into the news with stories about Florida and Facebook, and the guys discuss smart vs. dumb actors.


Adam welcomes MMA fighter Jason Mayhem Miller to the studio, here to talk about the 3rd season premiere of Bully Beatdown on MTV. They talk about Jason's experience fighting MMA since high school, and also about the risks fighters take with their bodies just for your entertainment. Adam also goes on a long rant about bullying, in particular toward gays.


Jason also talks about his experience fighting in total silence while in Japan, and what he's doing currently to stay in shape for his next fight. Wrapping up the news, Jessica gives some sports updates from the weekend, and talks about an amazing Wheel of Fortune victory. It reminds Adam of his own game show experiences, and he talks about an aggravating experience on Win Lose or Draw.


Watch the 3rd Season Premiere of Bully Beatdown. TOMORROW at 11pm, on MTV.


Jessica Golden can be found at


And pick up a copy of Huey Lewis and the News new album, Soulsville.


In today's Stitcher Extra Content, Jessica talks about an explorer who went searching for Noah's Ark. Listen to it at:


Executive Producer: Donny Misraje

Producers: Mike Dawson and Mike Lynch

Audio Engineer: Mike Dawson

Writer: Mike Lynch

Associate Producer: Katie Levine

Production Engineer: Logan Moy

Phones: Brian Meyer

Show Summary: Matt Fondiler

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