This week Adam is joined by comedian and television host Byron Allen to talk about his extensive history in comedy & entertainment. Byron takes Adam on a journey from starting comedy at age 14, being on network television by age 18 all the way up to his successes of today and plans for the future. The pair also discuss Byron's current pending lawsuit dealing with racial and economic inequality in media, an injustice Byron is striving to correct.
Adam Carolla is today’s guest on Take a Knee with his assistant Matt ‘The Porcelain Punisher’ Fondiler interviewing him. Matt asks Adam questions about how he defines success and satisfaction and weather or not they are truly achievable aspirations. Matt also asks Adam about his early role models, given that Adam has adamantly said that his parents were not inspirational. As the show wraps up, Matt has Adam explain how he broke out of the cycle that his family and friends were stuck in living check to check and eventually became independently wealthy and successful.
Art Alexakis joins Adam for this week's episode of Take A Knee and the pair open the show discussing the numerous things they have in common such as both growing up in Southern California and not necessarily having the most involved parents. As the show goes on they touch on topics including the differences between raising boys and girls, how decisions made by parents when children are young can have lifelong implications and much more.